Really Strong Kicks/Punches and now movements!


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2012
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Hey ladies,

I've been feeling little one move from about 17 weeks which I know is early to feel them and now I'm 20weeks they have got so strong like no more cute pop these are full blow punches and kicks that you couldn't miss! Also today I felt a weird sensation which I've worked out Is baby turning! At my 20week scan the lady said everything is above average so could be a bit earlier than my due date! I think I'm a bit further on than they think but wouldn't they change my EDD if I was?
Also I don't have much of a bump but wow when I get stretching pains they are so painful like someone is pulling my ribs apart! So I'm guessing it won't be long now! I just feel like I'm feeling the baby way to early not that I'm complaining lol!
I am 21 weeks and have started to feel some serious movemnt too lol, aww my littel boy is fiesty i hope it's not cause he's too big
Ive been feeling my wee boy since 17wks but it was just light movements now and then. I felt proper kicks at abt 19/20wks and now they are so strong i can see my belly moving and he even tries to kick things out the way if they are placed on my bump lol xxx
Aww ladies enjoy these moments! I miss bubs in my belly and feeling her kick and have the hiccups etc! Dont miss the feet in the ribs as much though! Lol :) x

I started feeling movement mega early on, and was annoyed that I had been put back a week at my 12 week scan cos all baby's milestones were in line with my original dates. At my 22 week appointment I was measuring a week ahead, and I was quite smug that I'd been right all along. They don't change your dates this late on though :(
So I still count my original dates as the real dates, but on paper I'm due the week after. Just one of these annoying paper exercises I guess!

Great that you're feeling big movements though!! Soon you'll be getting kept up all night with them ;) xx
I had first full on movement yesterday morning, no mistaking it!!! So happy ur bump is active too!!!! It's a lush feeling :) xxx
Mine is doing funny things at the moment! Im sat here and its almost like shes stretching out, like when your in bed? X

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