Low punches/kicks


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2012
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They really are getting stronger and making me feel a bit yuck.

I can only assume thats its little one. I was told at my scan 2 weeks ago she is head down and I can defo feel what feels like a back and bum up on the left hand side of my bump so it must be her hands down there. It reminds me of the end bit of the travelator on Gladiators when the winning contestant would burst through the paper. Please god let her not be attempting that little move!!! :shock:

One other thing.....At all my early scans (Ive so far had 5) they said I had a posterior placenta and I felt flutters from 14 weeks though Iwas never sure if it was baby or not. They did get stronger and continue to be so it must have been baby. At my detailed scan at 21 weeks the sonographer put in the report that I have a high anterior placenta.

Does the placenta move or is that a really stupid question?? my OH has to put his had quite low to feel her tapping about as we cant feel it on my tummy any more despite having done in the past.....we think!!!! (yes I know I sound mad!)

Hope someone can shed some light for me! Meanwhile I will sit at my desk and get bashed from the inside. :) Shes a little wriggler just like her Daddy. He never sits still anyway!
Sorry I don't have any answers regarding the placenta but didn't want to read and run!! Hopefully someone else can share an experience with that?

On the other hand I have regular tap dancing on my cervix/bladder area. On my 20 week scan notes it said baby was breech. I just have this image of a standing up baby dancing hahaha It is really uncomfortable and sometimes painful but I wouldn't change it for the World :) I rarely get kicks in my stomach area so mine just likes to chill out low. In all the scans baby was really chilled out....I have a feeling I will be going way beyond 40 weeks.

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The placenta does seem to move , but really it is the uterus that moves alot and of course the placenta is attrached to it , so appears to move too. It's more to do with LO's position as to how and which direction the uterus stretches so it is possible for the placenta to start off at the back and work it's way round to the front between scans , usually it's not a problem where the placenta is unless it's low and covering the cervix but I believe you said your having a c-section anyway so even that's not a worry for you either.
Some of bub's pokes and punches can be really uncomfortable but it's better to feel them than to not as that only causes us more worry doesn't it ? xx
Hey honey,
Regarding the placenta it won't move now as it will be embedded in your uterine wall. So it will stay anterior but the further on you are the more kicks you will feel.
Those pains down below as reassuring and as magical as they are the can feel freaking strange! Urgh! My LO used to kick me down there massively when we went shopping especially Ikea! One time my eyesight went funny it was such a big kick! Cheeky monkey. Anyway hope you're well. :lol:
Hi Girls - thanks for replying.

I should have said I do love the fact that I can feel my princess moving, its just where she moves thats making me feel yuck!!! She is a wriggler and has been from early on and honestly, so is her Daddy. He is incapable of just sitting still and relaxing! I shouldn't complain about him either as he does so much in the house rather than just sit and enjoy the tv (like me!!!).

I have had a look on the internet about placentas moving and there are conflicting advice. Think what they are all saying is the position can move in the early stages as the baby is small but now its unlikely it will move as the room in there is reduced. I just wondered I guess what was going on.

Does anyone know if you have a later scan to find out where placenta is when your haing a planned csection? I read that on an american site too and wondered if its the same in the UK.

Sorry for my endless questions! I can't ask my nursing colleagues - they already think I am crazy!!! I am a wee bit ;) truth is I am just so facinated and sooooooo excited to be a mummy.
I have an anterior placenta and it feels like Im being kicked in the bits :/ They make me cringe sometimes. I much prefer the higher up kicks!
I'd assume they would do a scan before your c section because they'd need to know whether they're going to be cutting through a placenta or not? Just guessing though! My mum had placenta previa when she was pregnant with me and she had constant scans to check on her placenta xxx
Thanks Kitty. I wondered same. Cause anterior means its going to be in the way. Will put that on my list of questions for the mw in 2 weeks. I've got stuff to ask when I go for my GTT anyway. If I write it down now I wont get lost in the excitement of hearing HB again. I always think of things as soon as I get home!! My MW is great though and she said to email her any time. I work in the same hospital so its quite handy.

Glad someone else knows what I mean about the cringe factor. Yuck!!! I didnt know where my cervix was until 2weeks ago. Now I feel like its a tambourine!!! :sick:


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