Really Scared!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2008
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Morning all!
I've been loitering around this forum a while, reading manyof the posts with interest but have never really plucked up the courage to post too many times. Anyway, i just knew it was the right place to come with the worries i have been feeling over the past couple of days, as i'm sure loads of people will be on hand with advice.
I'm just over 11 weeks pregnant, but over the last few days all my symptoms have disappeared, the nausea that i'd feel on and off throughout the day, the constant tiredness, the sore and enlarged breats, the constant want to eat...everything just gone. I've got my scan on Friday and i'm so so so petrified that they will tell me that little Pip has gone. I know that symptoms can tail off towards the end of the first tri, but surely not disappear so suddenlty? I haven't had any cramping, spotting or anything like that, but am i right in thinking that you don't necessaarily experience this?
I dont know guess i'm just scared and will be devestated if the worst has happened. Sorryfor such a depressing post on a sunday morning, i just needed to get it off my (somewhat smaller!) chest.
Hope ll you other ladies are doing well in your first tri!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: all i can say is what you have said in your post, the symptoms dye down near the end of tri 1 also the symptoms have a tendacy to be on and off
Thanks Anna, funnily enough you replied to mypostin the trying to conceive section, when i didn't know if i was pregnant or not!! It may just be the knowledge of knowing my scan is just around the corner thats worrying also probably doesn't help that i've scared myself silly dong research on the internet over the last few days either! The problem with that, is that you don't know how reliable the source is!
:? xxx
i know i tend to take everything with a pinch of salt and ask my mum as she is a midwife (but not practising it atm) :) and if she doesn't know i phone my normal midwife and ask her (rarly do that tho lol) also my mum is a nurse prasctisioner so it's very handy and i learn alot from her, also find coming on here is a great help for advise as most people know what they are talking about :D
i kno exactly how u feel, every mornin i was checking to see wether my boobs still hurt and if i was bleeding.
sometimes symptoms disaper one mornin i felt nothin and i prayed to god to give me a sign next thing i was running upstairs to throw up lol. Symptoms can come back with a vengence to.
I kno you never gonna feel better until you have the scan to prove to you everythings fine, thats not far off now, so try not to worry i bet things are perfectly fine :hug:
Its daft isn't it....i've never wanted to be feel so sick, so much in my life!!! I just want a sign that everything is ok stil...don't know how i'm gonna wait until Friday...i'm on half term, so usually i wan the week to go slow...this time around i want it to go so so quickly!!! :lol:

I am excactly the same and I have my scan this Friday as well. I worry about everything, for 3-4 days my breasts stopped being sore and I convinced myself that it was all over. Then 2 days ago the pain came back. So at the moment I am up and down, one minute convinced everything is wrong and crying like crazy. Then an hour later I am planning the next 20 years... Luckily Friday is not that far away! Take care :hug:
It helps to know i'm not the only one feeling this way!!! I'm driving myself crazy!!!

You will have to let me know how you go on on Friday, Kiki and i will do the same.

I hope all is well with you to though
Hun, with my last pregnancy I got to 12 weeks and everything stopped, nausea etc. It was like turning off a tap!

Have faith and all will be well xxx
Thanks for th replies girls! :hug:
I'm probably going to feel like this until friday, but it certainly helsp to know i'm not the only one who feels or has felt this way! i've kept myself busy this afternoon (with some shopping!!!) and will continue to do so over the week...hopefully making it go faster!!

thanks again :hug:
Hi honey, it's normal to feel nervous especially so close to your scan. i have got mine on the 4th and nervous as well as excited. I have been lucky and had very little symptoms so been constantly worried but occasionally have little things like heartburn,headaches and twinges to remind me i'm pregnant. I think we don't fully believe or feel it until we see the scan pics. The other girlies are right your hormones are calming down so the symptoms do disappear. I bet you do have some you dont even realise tiredness, aches, etc I have developed spots not impressed at all!!! try and relax honey I'm sure all will be fine Dusty x :hug:
Hello again! Thanks for all the kind replies (i only just managed o log on again since Sunday!!) You have all hlp reassured me (although i won't totally relax until Fri!!). I'm sure then iwill find the ext thing to worry about and so on and son on until this little one leaves home!!! :lol:
Thanks again and for all of you still awaiting your scans i hope to see all your pictures soon!

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