Really scared :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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At 33 weeks now and just starting to feel really scared about what's ahead. I know it's pointless to worry but i'm terrified of labour and the aftermath/recovery. This week i've been really poorly with a throat infection and been feeling generally run down. I've also had a nasty bout of thrush (from the antibiotics) and have just felt really uncomfortable and grotty. I'm pretty pathetic when it comes to feeling unwell or being in pain so obviously need to man up in preparation for labour. Just worried about how i'll cope :(

Am i being wimpy or is anyone else feeling a tad overwhelmed? xx
I have been having nightmares most nights for the past 5-6 weeks about labour and at my age I'm embarrassed to say I am terrified so much so I'm half wishing I wasn't pregnant which is ludicrous as it's taken me the best part of 20 yrs to get this far. I've not had an easy pregnancy so not expecting an easy birth I just wish I could have a GA and be unconscious throughout x
dont worry girls....
i was in the same boat but when it happens your body takes over and you just cope with it....
I have the lowest pain thresold ever...and can honestly say id give bith to 100 babies,
dont even think about it, when it happens you'll know and im sure you will do brilliantly, holding your LO will be the best feeling in the world. :love:

i found recovery a bit painful due to my stitches (had an episotomy) but healing is quick.

so dont worry yourself if i can do it ANYONE can. xxxx
I was exactly the same all 3 times!!!

I had never been in hospital for any reason before my first and worried bout how id recover afterwards, i think it really is the fear of the unknown

Like smokey says somehow tho we just manage it dont ask me how but we do

:hugs: xxx
I doubt you're alone!!! The whole birth thing can be pretty daunting can't it? But I'm certain it will be the most amazing experience ever if you trust your body & believe you can do it.
Some people described my first birth as traumatic because of complications. But I look back with amazingly happy excited memories of the whole experience because it led to me birthing my beautiful boy. And I would relive it one hundred times over because childbirth is, to me, one of the most empowering, proud moments of a woman's life. I can't wait to give birth in 2 weeks. It's hard work, but is SO worth it.
Have you tried natal hypnotherapy? I would highly recommend reading Effective Birth Preparation by Maggie Howell or Childbirth Without Fear by Grantly Dick Read to help ease your fears. The Maggie Howell book comes with a CD too which is so relaxing.
Really hope you feel better soon & start to feel a little better about giving birth. And wish you lots of luck for your big day :)
Easier said then done, but try not to overly worry about it. Of course it's a big thing that you're going to experience, especially because you're not sure what to expect, but it's just something you have to do, and remember it's what your body is made to do, so you can do it no matter how scared/worried you are!

I was induced 4 weeks early and it was very rushed and completely unexpected. I was unprepared (didn't even have hospital bag packed!) and I managed to get through it! And trust me - If I can get through it, then anyone can :D

Such a clique thing to say, but believe me, it's totally true - no matter what happens during labour.. it's all forgotten the second you see your baby. It's strange, but it's very true!
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I too sometimes have days where I just wish I could skip to the part where I have the baby in my arms. Bit Im sure that when it's starting, I'll do show cope. Think about all the women in the world who cope with biths every day around the world? That's MANY women!!! And where we live, we have good doctors so if we need help, they will help us!!!

Wish you lots of luck!! I'm sure you'll do fabulous!!

dont worry hun, i know it seems daunting but i've found preparing for it seems to calm me down, i've read tons of books and watched loads of videos on the stages of labour and what i'm going to expect. i'm a first time mum aswell and my husband is really supportive and he's going to support me no matter what happens. talk to your midwife about what your most afraid of, i've spoken to mine and she knows i'm petrified of having an epidural or an episotomy, but when the time comes if i have to one then i know it's whats best for me and my baby :hugs: to you hun xxx
I will be posting my birth story soon, I used natal hypnotherapy by maggie howell (effective birth preparation) and I was very calm throughout labour, the midwives commented on it! The hospital put me off coming in as thought my contractions weren't far enough apart, but when I got there I was 8 cms already and managed up til then without pain relief, bit of gas and air saw me through to the end! 2 and half hours later she came out! I too was apprehensive about labour and started listening to the cd's mid pregnancy, I don't think it matters when you start them, it helps take the fear away, the book also explains where the fear has come from - generally from our western society and stories you have heard!
Giving birth was surreal (it was nothing like anything else I've experienced!) but amazing too. You feel such a sense of pride afterwards! The little treasure you get as a result is totally worth it, and believe me you really do forget.
The adrenaline gets you through too! I had no sleep over night and as daylight came it gave me a renewed sense of energy!

The mind is very powerful so try some relaxing techniques too every time you start to feel anxious!

I will be posting my birth story soon, I used natal hypnotherapy by maggie howell (effective birth preparation) and I was very calm throughout labour, the midwives commented on it! The hospital put me off coming in as thought my contractions weren't far enough apart, but when I got there I was 8 cms already and managed up til then without pain relief, bit of gas and air saw me through to the end! 2 and half hours later she came out! I too was apprehensive about labour and started listening to the cd's mid pregnancy, I don't think it matters when you start them, it helps take the fear away, the book also explains where the fear has come from - generally from our western society and stories you have heard!
Giving birth was surreal (it was nothing like anything else I've experienced!) but amazing too. You feel such a sense of pride afterwards! The little treasure you get as a result is totally worth it, and believe me you really do forget.
The adrenaline gets you through too! I had no sleep over night and as daylight came it gave me a renewed sense of energy!

The mind is very powerful so try some relaxing techniques too every time you start to feel anxious!


Loved reading your experience! Glad you had such a positive time. Exactly how it should be :) xxx
Thanks for all of your reassurance and advice ladies. It really is nice to know that i'm not alone and hear about everyone elses experiences. Poppypd, your birth sounded amazing...hope i can get to 8cm with no pain relief!I think a lot of it is fear of the unknown. But i've been trying to prepare myself with antenantal classes and research etc and sometimes i find this freaks me out even more! Just nice to know that i'm not alone :) xxx
I'm terrified too. I faint with any bad stomach pain, so really don't know how I'm going to cope! It's all getting a bit close right now!
Don't be scared. It's the best experience I have ever had and tbh I'm looking forward to baby number two when the time comes! Yes it's painful but the pain is forgotten instantly once you have you LO in your arms! And I didn't find it as painful as I thought it was going to be. Just think of it as having a really big poo. Lol. This is what I kept getting told and it's true. But you have something wonderful at the end of it. :) xx
Tbh at the moment I'm quite chilled out about labour. I have a high pain threshold which will help me hopefully. I think the only thing I am worried about is having to rely on others to help me, I would actually prefer to crawl into a cave and do it on my own I think lol xxxxxxxxx
My LO is nearly three weeks old and I was exactly the same as you. Worried about labour and more about the recovery afterwards. I Also did the natal hypnotherapy although not as much as I should towards the end, I ended up being induced and was expecting full on pain.

Its really not as bad as you think and as the others have said your body takes over and you cope best advice keep on your feet and sit on edge of bed or seat and rock (thats what helped me) I started at 1am and by 4 they were kicking in the breathing techniques I learnt helped and the midwife told me I wasent showing enough pain to be that far along, but when checked I was 6cm. I went to 10 quite quickly and you sort of zone out, the actual pushing didnt hurt cos I was so intent on getting my baby out safely that I didnt acvtually feel contractions at that point. I managed it drug and gas and air free mainly cos it went quickly. So hoenbstly as scared as you are now you will manage but do look into the hypno therpy.

As for the recovery I had a second degree tear so required a few striched internally and externally but again not been half as painfull as I thought, take it easy keep taking paracetomol reguralrly and the pain is controlled. I thought it was crap when people say you forget the pain but you do hoenstly you will be fine XXX

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