Really scared bleeding


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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Had pains on right
hand side and I've
to tje toliet abd there's blood in my pants! Now I've
docs and got
to wait a hour before I can get a call bk and midwife unit at
hospital won't touch me
until I've been seen by a doc!!! My husband is at work on nights and I can't
hold of my mum!!
Try not to panick, I had similar. Pain turned out to be constipation, blood was never explained, is it a lot of blood or just a little?
Try not to panic Hun, hope everything is ok
Just been to docs and gt a scan at 9.15 tomorrow sp shall o from there x x
Poor you - try not to worry even thought thats probably impossible, the more you relax the better. Feet up and do nothing ok? Let us know how you go tomorrow and good luck :hug:
i had pain on one side with my little girl about the same weeks as you they sent me for an early scan and i had a few small cysts they said i wouldnt of had them all the time just my body getting use 2 all the extra hormoanes when i went back for 12 wk scan they had totally gone, hope you feel better soon xxxx
Thank you all very much i think it's over to be honest I won't know until tomorrow of
course but I don't feel pregnant anymore my boobs don't hurt! Keeping my fingers crossed!!! I so so wanted
this!!! X x
When you say you think it's over, do you mean the bleeding has stopped?

That's great news if it has. xx
Had a scan and there wasn't a heartbeat I am currently havig a miscarriage thank you fpr your support x
Hi hon...this happened to me 2 weeks ago so my thoughts r with u.... x x x

Just look after urself through this difficult time and feel free to PM me if you want to chat at any point xxx
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So sorry for what your going through, i know how you feel as i've been there myself, Keep strong we're all here for you. x

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