Really not coping :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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After a really horrible few days, I don't seem to be feeling any better.
I was told this morning that I may not have a job anymore, on top of everything else that has happened. They are going to have to lay me off because I work as a dental nurse, and we all have to be registered and they cannot find a course to put me on (waiting lists too long) so they are going to have to let me go if I can't find one myself ASAP, which I can't.

The only thing that was keeping positive was to try for another baby soon, but if I either don't have a job, or I've only just started a new job (I'm already applying for new positions) then we won't be able to ttc. I think you have to be somewhere for 6 months before they'll even let you have maternity leave won't they? I'm confused as to how all this maternity leave works. If I wasn't entitled to it, would I get similar maternity benefits from the government? Is there anybody reading this who has fallen pregnant whilst out of work and coped financially?
I really need to see a light at the end of this awfully long tunnel :(
If you were not elligble for this statuatory maternity pay via your employer there is a maternty allowance from the government that you will be eligle for if you work full or part time.


It's a lower value tho,

Then there is working families tax credit is great, once you have the baby, you can apply for this and it gets paid weekly, all you need is a child, and one of you or your partner to work more than 30 hours a week, it made a big difference to us at the time. (all it does is top up to bring your family income up to a minimum l evel, and it can be a higher level than you think.

Plus when baby is born you get child benifit of £20.30 per week for the first child, payable every 4 weeks

Hope this helps, don't worry, it will all work out just fine X
hey, i wasn't TTC when i found out i was pregnant and was on job seekers allowance! as i only had a temporary summer job that year.. i didn't find out i was pregnant until october, but conceived in sept, and found a job at the the end of sept! anyway i wasn't entitled maternity pay, but because i worked majority/close to the end of my pregnancy i'm entitled maternity allowance from job centre. and that is about £126 pound a week for 39 weeks. then if you're getting that you can also claim child/working tax credits. i'm not sure how income support works as i worked 20 hours a week and think you have to work 16 or under to recieve that..

if you go to a CAB they tell you all you need to know, but that's the info i know off the top of my head, hope it helps!

also, you're bound to feel low for a couple of weeks. i had a miscarriage last year, i wasn't TTC then either and was very unsure if i wanted to keep or not as i was a bit younger and naive then and so when it happend even though i wasn't sure, i was devastated. so it can affect anyone deeply.. i hope you feel better, try and do things you like every day, talk to friends, family, and your OH.. keep it light and try to relax! i find baths do wonders. i know it's all easier said than done though!

least you have the comfort knowing PF is always here to help!

all the best :hug: xx

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