Really not coping very well at all


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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I'm just an emotional mess. I lost my baby 6 weeks ago, I worked through the whole process and I've talked about it a lot but also feel that people are fed up with hearing it now so I've kept a lot inside. It all came to a head yesterday because my husband landed on me he is working all weekend 11-11 and that's with his usual job mon-fri so I basically won't see him until next sun as I work too and he's on shifts. And guess what happened yesterday, I got my smily face ov test. Last night he wasn't interested and that basically means this month is out. I've tried explaining how long a month feels to me when all I want us to be of again. I feel like its coming between us at the moment. I could really do with disappearing for a while. :-(
I'm really sorry for your loss :( x men just don't seem to understand! My husband is the exact same if it's any consolation, I don't do the ov testing but I had cramps which I'm almost certain was ov pain, and he refused to dtd said he was too tired?!? I'm so upset as AF came yesterday. I should be 10weeks today! It's my birthday tomorrow and when I got my positive reading I was so excited that I would have jelly bean in my tummy to celebrate with. I miscarried just over 5 weeks ago and I'm still heartbroken.

Your not alone! Try keep strong, I have takn up decorating to keep me busy, I have decorated the hallway and my sons bedroom so far, I have to keep busy! Can you maybe take up a hobby? Xxxxxxx
I was 11 weeks pg when I lost mine and should be 17 1/2 by now. I think it just hit me real hard yesterday after knowing my body was ready for ttc again after having my first af and then ov. Know it's like I have to wait another month before there's even a chance of conceiving. I literally cried myself to sleep last night, I just couldn't stop. I think all my held back feelings just come pouring out. Sorry for your loss too xx
Oh hun. I'm sorry your having a crap time. You know where I am if you need a wee chat. Xxxxxx
I think everyone grieves differently, at different rates, and men are no different. I was surprised at how much my OH and I talked, about everything but it did get to the point that I didn't have anything new to say but I still wanted to talk. Even now, my OH rarely brings up our little girl but I'll drop her into conversation often. If its not working with your OH, try another outlet for support and to talk through what your feeling. I'm in touch with my local SANDS group who have been amazing, there's always someone there who understands exactly what I'm thinking. They also do 1:1 counselling which I've not felt the need for, but is an invaluable service. Maybe being able to talk to someone you feel understands might help OH to talk too. And of course there's always us :) xx
Im sorry for your loss hun. Just want to put forward a little bit of the other side and maybe will help you understand. I had a mc at 12 weeks things didn't go as it should I lost a lot of blood got an infection was rushed in for emergency surgery. I was so scared after I said no more I couldn't do that again. I didn't want sex as I was scared of getting pregnant even tho we used protection. My husband admitted after seeing me go through it and at times being frightened for my life he was perfectly happy to stop and no more babies. He grieved a lot for the child we never got to meet and still now almost a year later still thinks about it. I know this won't make you feel better about anything but maybe give you an idea to what he may be going through.

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