Really need some guidance...

Piglet's Mama

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
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Wondering in light of my restored optimism, if I maybe had my surge on CD19 (Tuesday just gone)?

I got the darkest cheapy OPK since CD14, but I buggered my digi test so couldn't see if I got my smiley face. It would make sense for me to OV around then, as on Weds, I had v. low tummy and back pain, which would be consistent with typical OV pain... I was very conscious of it, to the point I wrote it down. Since then, my OPK's have been the faintest yet...
So, if I did OV on CD20, I could potentially test on CD34 which would be November 24th...?
I could be completely off and not actually OV for another week or 2, but my body has been doing SOMETHING! I don't tend to massively symptom spot and I don't believe I would have tummy/back pain if "something" wasn't happening. That "something" can really only be
That, or I just don't know my body well enough.
I just don't know what to do for the best... I don't want to knock the OPK's on the head if I am yet to OV, but I don't know if I can bear the thought of POAS until I get a positive OPK...? Knowing my cycles I could be testing for another 25+days... Testing on 24 Nov is something nice to look forward to...

Help - please... x
I cant help honey coz Ive poas for a really long time each cycle I just wanted to wish you luck whatever you decide xxx
As you know I'm the same as ticker says test on 19th but as I think no sign of ov there is not much point. Ill do an ebay cheapie anyway but just The next question is then how do I know when af will come? How will I know if I'm late? Will probably keep doing cheap hpt maybe twice a week until either af arrives or bfp (I can wish). The 2ww is weirding me out. even I think I'm getting symptoms....
Are you gonna buy opks again for next cycle? I've got maybe 5 or so left and as I've never had a positive result I'm thinking not bothering. They are cheap but if useless and unhelpful then its just money down drain.... the digital ones are just silly money in comparison but its driving me nuts not knowing. Don't know what to do but will wait on AF until deciding what go order (if any)
Really not sure what to do for the best... they obviously do work as there are loads of positive ones in the testing gallery, but either I'm way too early to test CD22 (I think) or the symptoms I had in the week are phantom OV - is that even possible?
Just so disappointed I can't even get a positive on an OPK! :-(
I feel so sorry for you when you talk about symptom spotting OV, everyone is off symptom spotting pregnancy and all you want is to know you ovulated :hug:

I reckon that you knock the OPKs on the head and just for sanities sake and carry on having sex every other day, or even every three days, for the next couple of week but don't worry about it too much if not.

I think you know if you had OV pains, well for me they are very distinctive anyway, and you think you had them. It sound to me like you ovulated.

You can always whip the OPKs out again if you get pains.

Next cycle, you'll be more prepared and be able to start a fresh looking for OV without starting too early.

That is, if you don't get your BFP ofcourse :)
Thanks Louise - you always say the right thing :)
Am going to leave the OPK's, do the deed every other night, test in a couple of weeks and see where I am from there x

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