Hi ladies
I think I just need somewhere to let it all out as it feels like I have no one other than my OH to talk to at the moment. I'm feeling really down. It's sinking in hard that when I come to tell my mum I'm pregnant while she won't voice it she'll be disappointed in me. She's the kind of person who expects you to have been in a relationship 10 years married for 5 with an above average paying job and a mortgage before having children. I know it's not her future etc but the underlying disappointment will always be in the back of my mind.
We've moved into what was meant to be our family home last month. We fell in love with it and pictured us starting a family together here. The street was quiet on several occasions and our neighbours seemed nice. We couldn't have been more wrong and I don't know what we will do. Our neighbours are both heavy cannabis smokers and the smell comes through our walls. One neighbour has 6 dogs living outside which we've been threatened with because we also have dogs and theirs bark when ours are out. They have dog waste and straw piling in their garden which stinks along with the kennels so we barely use what should be our perfect garden. We have to stay here until September when we think we will move but I'll be 6 months pregnant by then and it won't be ideal.
My mum will be moving 4 1/2 hours away from us and my OH's parents are 3 1/2 hours away so I'm feeling really alone although my OH says we will be fine. I can't see either set of grandparents making an effort to be part of our baby's life and it makes me truly sad as I never got to experience having grandparents as they weren't alive by the time I was born and didn't want the same for our children.
I just hope hormones are blowing everything out of proportion as it's all getting me so down. I've just been waking up taking my pregnancy vitamins and going back to bed
I think I just need somewhere to let it all out as it feels like I have no one other than my OH to talk to at the moment. I'm feeling really down. It's sinking in hard that when I come to tell my mum I'm pregnant while she won't voice it she'll be disappointed in me. She's the kind of person who expects you to have been in a relationship 10 years married for 5 with an above average paying job and a mortgage before having children. I know it's not her future etc but the underlying disappointment will always be in the back of my mind.
We've moved into what was meant to be our family home last month. We fell in love with it and pictured us starting a family together here. The street was quiet on several occasions and our neighbours seemed nice. We couldn't have been more wrong and I don't know what we will do. Our neighbours are both heavy cannabis smokers and the smell comes through our walls. One neighbour has 6 dogs living outside which we've been threatened with because we also have dogs and theirs bark when ours are out. They have dog waste and straw piling in their garden which stinks along with the kennels so we barely use what should be our perfect garden. We have to stay here until September when we think we will move but I'll be 6 months pregnant by then and it won't be ideal.
My mum will be moving 4 1/2 hours away from us and my OH's parents are 3 1/2 hours away so I'm feeling really alone although my OH says we will be fine. I can't see either set of grandparents making an effort to be part of our baby's life and it makes me truly sad as I never got to experience having grandparents as they weren't alive by the time I was born and didn't want the same for our children.
I just hope hormones are blowing everything out of proportion as it's all getting me so down. I've just been waking up taking my pregnancy vitamins and going back to bed