Really Angry


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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i had to nip out last night to return something to a friend who lives near by. I could hear my cat following me down the road as he normaly does so i turned back around and the next thing this BIG dog comes hurtling down the pavement past me and the end of his lead and the lead itself had comepletely wrapped round my ankle 3 times (and boy this really hurt). He then decided to run off but the lady who was out walking him didnt even have hold of his lead and never even bothered to say anything to me which made me angry as he nearly had me over on my feet :evil: It wasnt until i reached my friends that i noticed i have bad lead burns around my ankle which were weaping and a raised bruised area. Now this morning my foots really hurting :(

Sorry for the moan ladies il keep quiet now :oops:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: omg thats discusting :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: could you not report her to the dog warden cas she oviously can't handle her dog?
god thats terrible!!

Have you seen the dog and the lady before? If it was me I would go and wait tonight with OH or a mate and approach her and show her the damage the dog did whilst sticking your belly out as far as possible so she can see your preggers and make her feel very guilty! Silly trout! :shakehead:

Hugs for you, :hug: :hug: :hug: hope your legs get better soon :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ive seen her about before but she didnt have any dogs with her. But if i do see her out again i will say something.
That's shocking hun, I would def say summit to her when you next see her. She shouldn't be walking her dog if she cant control the bloody thing!!! people like made me so mad!!

How are your ankles today apart from being sore?
:shock: Thats terrible, id def contact the dog warden or make a report to someone.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thats awful I'm not surprised your so angry!!!

People shouldnt have dogs if they cant control them!! :evil:

I had a situation where someone let there dog jmp at my son when he was about 18 months old in his buggy and he was terrified, and the woman had a go at me for slapping the dog!! I told her if she didnt contro it I would slap her too! ( i was rather angry!)

I hope your feeling better soon :hug:
Theyre a bit battered and bruised, it might not look much but it doesnt half hurt. You can also see where the lead cut into my ankle aswell which is sore and weeping a bit.
Hi you should get urself checked out by the doctor for the wonds as mayb they will get infected as dear knows where the lead has been not sure if you'd need an Tetnus (SP) injection, that silly women not even saying anything like sorry. please take care

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