Reality hits too hard at times


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
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Feeling really down :cry: I have been trying so hard to be upbeat and look at the positive... Maybe I have been kidding myself....
I goy my first period today, over 4 weeks after my MMC. I think I was thinking if she stayed away then I would be PG again and I wouldn't feel so know? Like the MC never happened... just a bit of a delay in having my baby..... i could cope with that!
Now I don't have that dream to hide behind, Now i feel like I am REALLY REALLY missing my baby, and although I have always known that i will never get to see that little one grow, or physically hold and love Connell the way i want to, I have been able to think about the one I might be having until AF arrived, It feels like I have had that sad news all over again.... I want my baby back inside and I want to be able to hold, love and watch MY Little one grow.....
Ranting a bit now.. better go before i write war and peace on this...
Take care ladies
Lv Yvonne :cry:

I think it's really good to let it all out. It's perfectly natural to feel this way, even more so if you've just had your first period since. Also, any anniversary, like the first month since is going to be hard as well. Look after yourself :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: Yvonne :hug:

There is nothing that can replace what you have lost, you have been such a strenght to everyone. I have no doubts that one day you will be holding another baby, maybe your body is just not ready yet. Give yourself sometime to heal and when the time is right it will happen.Probably when you least expect it.


hi hun im so sorry you are feeling like this i know exactly what you mean when i got my period it just shocked me, i know how much you loved your baby and nothing ever could replace him but i know you are strong and you will get through this (im just repeating everything you have said to me). Please let it out as much as you can and you know you can rant and rave on here as much as you want so dont you dare apologise for going on as this is what we are all here for to help and support each other.

You are amazing hun i really mean that look after yourself and PM me anytime you want :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: x x
Aww :hug: i know it will be hard when your first period comes but in your time will come again and you will get your baby.come and have a moan or whatever on here we are always here to listen.
:hug: :hug: :hug: take care .xxxx
Ah Hun, rant all you want, you are entitled. Like gingerpig said its good to get it out :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: it is good to get it out of your system it should help the healing process :hug: :hug: plenty of hugs for you to help you thru this hard time :hug:
hey, so sorry you are feeling down, I think it is natural to feel how you are feeling all part of the process.

The best thing ot do is cry when you need to cry, scream when you need to scream and laugh when you need to laugh.

Hopefully next month will be your month but in the meantime talk to anyone of us whenever you need to, you are always there for us and now it is our turn to support you.

Lots of love and hugs,

Mand xxx
sorry your feeling down hun, heres a big hug from me :hug: :hug:
sorry your feeling so down hun :hug: its so difficult in the first few months especially when af hits as its like a slap in the face every time just want you to know your not alone we are always here for you xxxxxxxxxxx

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