re scan tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2006
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hi all.
just wondering if anyone could help me, i have my re-scan 2moro after m/c does anyone know if they do an internal scan? or normal one?? just so im prepared really as im a bit scared of the internal ive its not nice!
thanks in advance if anyone can help!
Hi Sophie, When I had my other two miscarriges last year I went for my re-scan and they did not give me an internal. I don't think they would be able to tell alot from internal. They just scanned my belly and lloed for an obvious blood clots etc. All was fine with them it's all quite quick. I was sent home from hospital Friday and they have not booked me in for a scan yet to see if all clear. The EPAC department might call this week and book me in if not i'm calling up to book one as I did not have a DNC to clear the womb wanted to do it naturally like yourself. Hope all goes well with the scan i'm sure it wil be fine. If you want to chat your welcome to.

Luv Linz

I've had 3/4 internals. They are not so bad. Uncomfortable when pressure is put on maybe but not painful in anyway. Just relax.

Good luck, i think it depends on how far gone you are as they can see more with an internal one if you are very early on, i had internal scans every 2 weeks from 20 weeks and also had 2 very early on and they're really not that bad not painful at all.

Manda x
Thanks to everyone thats replyed.
my scans at 2 today. i know i have nothing to worry about why would i but im still s**tin it!
Good luck - You will be fine. Pain makes us stronger x
thanks hun.
i am in work till half one, an i rang head office just to remind them i had to leave an they had forgotten, so they are now tryin to find cover for me, makin me feel all guilty cos im leavin them in the s**t again :( bloody work!
Sod em :evil:

Make sure you get there it's not your problem they 'forgot'!!
dont worry i am goin no matter what, its important more, importnant than this hole! just they have a great way of makin people feel guilty! oh well not my problem they have no staff!
Nice & understanding then! :wall:

Far more important - I don't know if you explained your position but I don;t feel you should even have to do that!

Good luck for 2 :angel:
thanks wobbles.
lol that made me chuckle u have a great name!
good luck with u too :)
It's kind of referring to my belly :oops:

Me & my best pal usually end up wobbling (wobble wobble) in front of the TV - OHs think we're mad :dance:

Pregnancy should prevent the wobble, until afterwards anyway :talkhand: :lol:
lol i have a right wobbly belly!
all went ok today they said there was a tiny spot which they couldnt work out so i had to do a pregnancy test it came back negative off course, anyway i asked if its possible that i could be pg again, an she said its very possible an thats what the spot could be???? anyway if i dont get my af in 4 weeks im to do a test, lets just wait an see!
Glad the worry is over. I hate the unexpected too.

Well lot's of baby dust for a new pregnancy now or in the near future :pray:
thanks wobbles.
lots of baby dust to u too.

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