

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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Hello, sorry to moan but I need to get this off my chest. Hubby's best friend and his gf have just had a baby, she came off the pill and bang got pg after 1 month! Well anyway I found out today she gave birth last week and called her baby the name I had chosen if I had a baby girl! No one knows the name I wanted but it's always been in my head, I suppose it's no ones fault but I feel gutted all the same. I can't get pg after 8 months and she does straight away and choses the name I want.

Sorry but had to get it out in the open!
Oh thats annoying hun, if it makes u feel any better its happened to me loads as soon as i think of one i like bang someone gets pg n takes it from me!! Fx it wont b long for you now.

Michelle. x
Don't blame you for having a rant that's annoying!
Fx it will be your turn soon xx
Aw, hun. That totally sucks. Good you have here to offload on - guaranteed we all know how you'll feel! Big :hugs: will be you soon. :dust: xxx
awe hun i know how you feel....DH's cousin had thre 3rd baby a few weeks ago and used the name we had chosen...so we cant really use that name now as itl mean 2 babies in same family with same name which isnt unique enuff for me...and my other name i had DH's friend has called his 2nd baby!! grrr tho il still use that one i think as at least its not in the family xx
Ugh that's very annoying!! My brother and his fiancee had a baby last month and almost called it the name I have picked for a boy. Luckily they changed their minds though.

Hope ya feel better soon hun, that's a pain in the ass!

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Hello, sorry to moan but I need to get this off my chest. Hubby's best friend and his gf have just had a baby, she came off the pill and bang got pg after 1 month! Well anyway I found out today she gave birth last week and called her baby the name I had chosen if I had a baby girl! No one knows the name I wanted but it's always been in my head, I suppose it's no ones fault but I feel gutted all the same. I can't get pg after 8 months and she does straight away and choses the name I want.

Sorry but had to get it out in the open!

Wowser hun - talk about rotten luck!

I guess the only silver lining is that they did not take "your" name on purpose?

I know how you feel, when I miscarried in May I had a pregnant friend confide in me her partner wanted her to consider an abortion (they live together, were NTNP ?? Yet he still wanted her to have an abortion)

Friend didn't know about my loss but I was so angry with her partner for not wanting his baby when I would have done anything to have mine.

It's hard but at least know it wasn't done out of malice


(by the way my friend's partner eventually got on board with the idea of having a baby and the little one is due 31/12!)
Poppy.... I can rant away! I completely understand my SIL is pregnant and found it very easy to concieve and has had so much pleasure in telling this to myself and my husband! It's such a hard situation to be in because as you said it's no one's fault, in my case I already have a nephew and with another neice/nephew on the way it's brilliant but I can't help but feel a little.... well jealous I guess and I don't usually feel jealous.

Carnat... what a horrible situation to be in, I really feel for you. Thankfully she didn't go ahead with the abortion but still after all you had been through to have to be a confidant.....

Hang in there, our time will come... baby dust to all xx
Thanks for your replys! No one but me knew the name so it wasn't on purpose but cos of the ttc stress I took it personally!x

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