RANT! Why do people feel it so necessary to force their own opinions on you?!


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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Sorry ladies but am going to rant.

Started my hypnobirthing yesterday which was fabulous but most people I've told have
1) laughed
2) called me a hippie
3) informed me it's all a load of bollocks and I should just get an epidural like the rest of them (NONE of these people have done hypnobirthing)
4) told me I'm wasting my money

We've also decided to go for a home birth and even my own sister (who 6 weeks ago had a horrendously traumatic birth with her first) has been taking my husband to one side to have words with him about how selfish I'm being as it's not safe and I need to be in a hospital.

One of my best friends is a clinical negligence lawyer and has been informing me that if I have my baby at home there's a high possibility that I'll bleed to death/the baby will die/i'll never forgive myself etc.

Why can't people just shut up and fuck off?
Lol yep I agree with you!! People need to mind their own business and respect decisions made by the parent. And in your mind your doing what's best and most comfortable, not sure why people doubt it, I guess they just like thinking they know better! X
They all think they know better this is the problem. Every woman is different, every birth is unique and every way each person brings up a child will not be the same. I don't understand why those people who are supposed to love me and be closest to me can't accept what I feel is right for me and my family.... ARGH!
I have been told about that hypnotherapy n its supposed to be really good i was gonna look into it myself. Just ignore em I know its annoying tho x
WHOOP!! Totally agree, and am getting the same comments!!
I am determined to have my baby at home, I think I will be sooo much more relaxed and that's the key element to a good labour in my mind!
Can't afford hypnobirthing classes unfortunately, but got the book by marie mongan from library and *most* of it makes more sense that our modern day medical ways anyway and seems like common sense to me lol. Librarian still gave me a weird look when I asked about the book through and she had to order it in as it was something she'd never heard of before in her years of working there.
At the end of the day, if you are confident in what you are doing, odds are that the labour will be fine...if you're scared/stressed out, then baby won't be happy and it is more likely to go tits up :P
Hypnobirthing for me all the way! Balls to all of them - smile and don't worry about it, they are all probably just jealous because you are daring to be different. :hug: xx
It really annoyed me when people did this!

I met a mum at my NCT coffee morning who had an amazing birth experience with hypnobirthing.

Hun try to ignore the horror stories and tellers. They are jealous because youre taking your own care into your own hands. hypnobirthing is tried and tested and is great for labour and childbirth. Best wishes :)
I've got similar replies when telling people about doing hypnobirthing (have got DIY CDs). But I'm enjoying it and have a good, low blood pressure.

Also just finished Ina May's Guide to Childbirth and it was an amazing read - would thoroughly recommend it to everyone - has made me feel SO positive about my body and the birth experience. Some bits are a bit "hippy" for me but the overall messages and thinking is brilliant!
Sod the lot of them, it's nothing to do with them!!

People are being more encouraged to have a home birth now because you're more relaxed (but not me, I hate where I live, I would be more stressed, lol!). If you and hubby are happy then sod em!!
Just ignore them sweet! People won't (hopefully) be telling you how to raise your child, so they have no write to tell you how to give birth to YOUR child either!! I would absolutely love a home birth but sadly because I have a higher risk pregnancy I just can't risk it, but would love it so so much!! I've been having funny comments from people when I say I want a water birth (which i thought was a pretty common thing to do?!) Some people just love to interfeir!! Do whats best for you and your baby and sod everyone else!!!!
Ta ladies! Nice to rant and have people that truly understand xxx
It really annoyed me when people did this!

I met a mum at my NCT coffee morning who had an amazing birth experience with hypnobirthing.


Hi just noticed your little babys pic - so adorable and beautiful, big congratulations x

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