Rant alert!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2011
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So been to see the nurse again today about my infection in the section area,

Got the swab results it turns out my infection is Strep B :(

Now i was tested for this at 14wks pg and told it was negative, have found out since the best time to test for Strep B is between 36/37wks of pregnancy, as the results can change but generally stay the same for 5 weeks,

I wasnt tested anymore after 14wks and i know its not routinely done everywhere (which is should be)

When Jaiden was 12 days old i got a call from the hospital to say he'd tested positive for Group B Strep and had to go into hospital (they swabbed him at birth cos of the amount of pooing he'd done)

Luckily he's perfectly healthy...

I asked my mw if my infection could be strep b she said no! she did swab me (over 2 wks ago) but my gp hasnt yet been back to me with the results

I only found out because my new surgery swabbed me again and they informed me today

So im now on my 4th load of antibiotics in 4 weeks :roll:

Thankfully now it seems to be healing slowly but ive still got to have salt baths everyday and re dress the wound daily too,

So so angry that if they'd have tested me later on in pregnancy all this could have been avoided,

Also found out Jaiden was more at risk because my waters went more than 18hrs before he was born, if i'd have known bout the strep b i could have had the antibiotics in labour

Sorry for the long thread xx
Awww... Big hugs to you... I feel so strongly about testing for B Strep - I have no idea why they don't routinely test. Both me and LO had it and resulted in LO spending first few days in SCBU, both of us on antibiotics and lots of distress and worry that could have been avoided. All very frustrating. Hope your infection clears up soon. Xx
Thank you hunni they really should test late in pregnancy for it, yes in a way i was lucky they tested me just a shame they tested far too early, they may aswell not have bothered!

Im hoping it doesnt take much longer to clear up now but im gonna be left with a nasty scar from it aswell as the messed up section scar :(

Like you say all this could be avoided if they just routinely tested pregnant women after 36 wks x
I think they do test in some areas, but when you think of all the ladies and babies who end up needing extra medical attention and anti because they weren't tested - surely it would be cost effective to just screen all pregnant women late on in their pregnancy.
Hopefully the scar won't be too bad and might fade over time. Xx
My episiotomy won't heal cos I have strep b :( x
My episiotomy won't heal cos I have strep b :( x

Aw hunni :hugs: can i ask what anitbiotics your on for it?

Ive had 2 lots of Flucloxacillin which was 500mg 4 x a day

1 lot of antibacterial tablets 400mg 3 x daily

And just finishing a course of Clarythrimicin and the wound is only just closing up, as well as having iodine patches applied everyday and salt baths,

Was told it takes a really long time to heal :(

(I have no idea why my text is underlined or how to get rid of it!) xxx
i just been on penicilin last week...as on 2 different ones on hospital...cant remember the names though.....

going to do the salt bath thing again tonigt...was doing lavender but now i have thrush.......it may aggrevate that :( xx
I think everyone should be tested for it too, but it seems because you can have it one moment and not the next they don't :wall2:

I was tested for it when my waters broke and Colby was tested as soon as he was born due to merconium and he came back positive, but it was 2 days after his birth before they knew - thats how long the results take :wall2: We had to go up to the nicu ward for him to get an antibiotic injection (I was still in hospital as I needed blood transfusions after the birth) thankfully he was fine but some babies aren't so lucky.

I also had problems with infection with my episotomy and needed 3 lots of antibiotics in about 3 months. My would wouldn't heal either. Wish they could come up with better way to test for it!!!!
Well Sassy i joined a GBS forum and apparently if tested later in pregnancy for it the results stay the same for upto 5 weeks!

Think i said up top Jaiden was swabbed when he was born cos he's poo'd and was like that for over 30hrs, he was 12 days old before they got back to us with results!

And as an update im still registered with old surgery until tomorrow and they STILL havent been in touch with swab results! x
That's ridiculous that it took them 12 days to give you the results!!! I didn't know it would shoe up for five weeks, so testing at full term would be ideal.

I also read recently that the test doesn't even cost much (about £35 on Internet to do it yourself) but that it only costs the Nhs about £10 so it's not as if it would break the bank and could save money and stress in the long term. I will make sure I'm tested for it next time so they know on time.
Totally agree for the sake of £10 it could avoid all this heartache

See they did test me for it but at 14wks so pointless if they'd have done it later we wouldnt be going through this now.

I was told you can test pos one day and neg the next til i found the support group x

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