Group B Strep


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2011
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Has anyone been tested for Group B strep.

I found out in my first trimester through a swab I taken when I went for my first scan. Was just wondering if anyone else had had a test done?
Hi i was routinely tested for this via a water sample at my booking in app, as far as i know it was neg for Group B Strep (altho i did have to have anti biotics for E-Coli!) xxx
Mine was positive so midwife has gone through everything with me but its scarey
i dont know noone has told me they have tested for it. Wat is it anyway and what does it mean if you have it hun?
It apparently lies dormant in us and my pregnancy triggered it off. I had a routine test done as I was suffering from thrush and they wanted to rule out something more sinister.

My mid wife has told me that as soon as I go in to labour I have to go straight in and be hooked up to antibiotics.

Its not harmful to us but it can make baby ill with what I gather
it can make baby very ill, it should be done routinely but it isn't :(
After googling group b strep I think Im going to see if I can be checked for it when I see the midwife next week! I do actually remember this morning doing a discussion on the topic a couple of months ago and about how it is not a routine procedure!
I said that for how much the test cost's. Had They have not tested we would never have known.
I have it and as long as they know it shouldn't be a problem - it's hard to test everyone as web if you're carrying it there are times when you'll test negative. It'll be marked on your notes for when you arrive at the hospital but you don't need to go straight in as they don't give you the IV antibiotics until you're near the end. With Sam I was in labour for ages at home and in hospital before they gave me anything x
And they like you to stay in so they can monitor your baby for 24 hours after birth x
Think there concerned with me as I have high blood and being pregnant they have taken me off all medication. Think they just want to moniter me.

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