Random thread

theres a spam thread for talking about spam :shakehead:
this thread is the random thread!! :roll:

I hope everyone has better weather than i do! i wanted it to cool down but 36 hours of rain is a bit silly.
Nope, weather is s**t!!
Although Pooch seems to like it.....
She's asleep in the garden (wtf?!) and just keeps coming in and shaking the wetness off then goes back out again!!!
lol! Bruce is alseep on his chair, he wont stay out in rain for long
Can't believe you got to 500 before i got to 1000!! :shakehead: :shakehead:

Macca & Charley hate the rain, so didn't expect mini pooch to like it, but i just went out cos she was making a kerfuffle... and she was dragging the broom around the garden with her!!! :roll:

Now all i need to do is train her to use the toilet brush!! :think: :think: :think:
lol! for now Bruce cant do anything useful. jsut follows me everywhere!
She's no longer being useful......
She's got the cardboard toilet roll holderey bit and is ripping it to shreads!!
Poor Pooch, teething must hurt!!!

She looks soooo cute doing it though!!!!
Just read through and i know i might be better on the spam thread But what is PEK pork then? i thought it was same as spam!!!!

Don't really care cos i don't eat it or corned beef

Sorry i do eat corndbeef but it got to be cooked in like a shepards pie thing i do Yumm
I have never heard of PEK pork?!?!?

I feel soooo alone in my spam thread!!! :cry:
Awww hayley :hug: i can't think of anything else to put in, i have run out of smilies!!
it was a silly thread anyways!! :shakehead:

stupid pooch has just been in the garden, like she has most of today and she's just come back in mush covered in mud, and paws......

Now theres big black puppy prints over everything!!!!

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr pooooooooooooch!
i suppose its better to have mud than your dog eating a bird under your bed :shock: my cat brought a bird intoday so i had to take a pic will post it in a sec once i get it loaded....lol

please excuse my mad scarey slippers :oops:

poor little bird, i tried to get him away from it but he kept trying to claw me but finnaly he run away when i put the hoover on :twisted:
Awww poor birdie. My cat brought in a mouse recently, he had already killed it so i just let him eat it. No way i was gonna clean it up!
Kina said:
Congratulations on 1000 posts Hayley :cheer:



Thanks!!! :dance: :dance: i'll ignore your tiny writing there!!! :rotfl:

Yeah you're right i'd rather mud on the carpet!!!!
She's just done it again right after i'd finished cleaning it!! :roll:
:cheer: 500 posts!!!!!! :cheer: Ok i know its not as much as some but...... am at 86 now iwas 97 at weekend!!!!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Go team you!!!!!!!!

I'm in 37th now... was in 52nd a few days ago!!! lol!!! :oops:
Ooh you spammer you :rotfl:

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