
Medium, luke warm, milky and 2 sugars. Have to e in the mood thoug. I never make myself a cuppa tea out of choice. Its normally Aero mint hot chocolate :lol: :shhh:
Quite weak with milk and 2 sugars for me.. oh, and only de-caff if I can help it.
Quite milky with 2 sugars. I prefer Tetley's or Asda own brand, usually de-caf.
No sugar and dont even think about stirring my drink with a spoon you have used for another drink that isnt exactly the same as mine ( :puke: contaminated coffee/sugar tastes)
Soya Milk, not too much and always put in before the hot water (some soya milks curdle if you do)
Strong, fair bit of milk.. sugarwise... 5 in a "normal" mug, 8 in my usual mug (big one!) :D
Craig said:
Strong, fair bit of milk.. sugarwise... 5 in a "normal" mug, 8 in my usual mug (big one!) :D

Fook me lol i thought Lee was bad with his 3/4 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

For me...milky with no sugar.

Kinda a coffee addict atm though :think:
i have never been a big drinker of hot drinks before i fell PG i used to have a tea or coffee occasionally but wen i was pregnant the smell made me wanna be sick to iv never drank it since lol
Sarah&LJ said:
Craig said:
Strong, fair bit of milk.. sugarwise... 5 in a "normal" mug, 8 in my usual mug (big one!) :D

Fook me lol i thought Lee was bad with his 3/4 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

i have somewhat of a sweet tooth... :shhh: anything loaded with sugar gets my vote, prob why i was drinking 2 ltr+ of irn bru daily :lol:

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