Random Screams


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2011
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Ella has started randomly screaming really high pitched in her sleep, by the time ive sprinted up the stairs to check on her shes fast asleep! its as if im imagining it!

Does anybody else LO do this?

Surely at her age she cant be having bad dreams!!?
Could b teething ? Rhea has done it at times xxx

That would make sense, she is def teething at the mo! aww even suffering in her sleep bless her!
My LO sometimes lets out like one scream, it sounds like he's gonna start screaming the place down but he'll just have like one scream as if he's doing it in sleep, maybe a bad dream...who knows.

Leandro does this too. And he also whimpers a bit. I used to get up and feed him But he'd fall Asleep so I let him self settle. Thank god It's not just him xx
Weve just had a random chuckle in her sleep lol!
The brain uses dreams to sort through what it has learnt during the day, apparently it analyses stuff and chucks out the useless bits in dreams which is why they can be so weird or frightening. Babies and young children dream a lot and the screaming might not be because of a nightmare, just an expression of all the emotions in the dream if that makes sense
Kayla does this i thought it might just be cramps or bad dreams

thanks BB that makes sense allrite when you think about it, i have crazy dreams every nite so if shes anything like me she wont know whats goin on in her little head lol
My lo does this, for her it's wind x
Alice did this a few times in the days before she cut her teeth.

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