Random craving...


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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Well I haven't really had any cravings in pregnancy except for liking cheese in tri 1 and using it as an excuse to eat lots of crisps throughout but I've just been to the shop and randomly fancied some orange lollies that I've never had before. Got a pack of six and I've just eaten three in a row! I'm seriously considering going to get number four and if I do that I think I might just have to eat all of them! Hubbie is out and I'm not sure I can admit to eating three or four so if I eat them all I can pretend they never existed!!!!
Well I've compromised I've had the fourth one which has satisfied my craving. Took the last two out of the box and chucked the box then hid them loose in the bottom of the freezer so hubbie probably won't even notice them! x
hahahahaha! Sounds like something Id do with the babybels or packs of lemons xxx
tell me about it lol this baby is making me eat stuff i dont like lol it was weetabix the otherday i dont like soggy stuff in my mouth lol and i bought some vanilla slices thingys you get 6 in a box i ended up eating 5 :S im a bad girl then i wanted some mini eggs the other day and creme eggs mmmm i even ate a tin of pea and ham soup ewww but baby thought it was yummy lol oh and coop cooked chicken legs i had 3 yesterday opps
Ha - im always buying a pack of something and having to eat the whole lot out of guilt so the packet isnt left lying around lol!

I also had my 4th easter egg today - and theres still a while until easter! Theyre just so yummy! x
Ha ha nice one Jodie - women can be sooo sneaky I love it!! I hadn't really had any cravings up till tri 3 - now it's strawberry milkshake. Have had one bottle a day for the last month I think - at my peak it was 2 bottles a day, lol, but it's easing off a bit now thank God xx
Hahaha!! Since about 30 weeks I've regularly polished off 3 ice lollies in a row! Yesterday however I reached a new low - I bought 6 cream cakes from m&s, SIX!!! Like you OH is oblivious, I hope!!! X
Ps - is anyone else going have to be joining me in the weight loss and dieting forum in a few months time?! :-(
God deffo for the weightloss efforts afterwards! My shame is that I would sometimes do the buying a box of something and eating it all and hiding the evidence even before I was pregnant :blush:.

My healthyish craving today is cornflakes, I'm going to Morrisons now to buy more as it's all I can think about.
Ps - is anyone else going have to be joining me in the weight loss and dieting forum in a few months time?! :-(

Yes yes! Count me in! I was just on the bus home looking at my thighs thinking Omg they're like tree trunks. Feel like a big fatty!
My healthy craving this week is mango - can't get enough of it, and its not as acidic as an Orange :)

I can't stop with the sweet stuff. Will be heading out to the ice cream shop in a bit for a hot waffle with two scoops of vanilla fudge ice cream, covered in caramel sauce...nom nom nom
Ooooooooo hot waffle cream strawberries chocolate how nice xxx

I can't stop with the sweet stuff. Will be heading out to the ice cream shop in a bit for a hot waffle with two scoops of vanilla fudge ice cream, covered in caramel sauce...nom nom nom

OMG that sound lush......I WANT NOW :brat::brat: :lol::lol:

Ooooh I predict girl for you!

i craved an ice lolly the other day and all i had was ice pops and 1 of the kids triangle lolly things so i stole it haha
im totally addicted to a lolly that is similar to the double lollys its shocking how many ive gone through in the last 3 days
I can't stop eating Chewits and Chupa- Chups lollies!! Went shopping today and Chewitts are half price for multipacks so I stocked up!
I bought my 5th easter egg today. Thats my 2nd in just 2 days ... i think i have a problem!

Ill deffo be hard core dieting afterwards!! My OH is a fitness freak and ive given him permission to kick me into touch! x

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