quitting smoking


Aug 25, 2011
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hello. I'm six weeks pregnant (only found out last week) and i'm finding it really hard to quit smoking. I know obviously i need to stop completely but i've managed to cut back to 2 or 3 a day. Maybe it will be easier when i get some symptoms and actually feel pregnant. Any tips for quitting completely?
I'm sorry I don't smoke, but my husband is trying at the moment, and he swears by the nicorette Inhalator. He has it stuck in his mouth all the time, or he just like to hold it. Well done for cutting down, just keep trying!!
my boyfriend is a smoker as well, we only smoke in the kitchen so i'm trying to stay out of there so i won't be tempted but it's so hard! I've got an inhaler thing and although it does take away the craving it just doesn't feel satisfying! was thinking of getting one of those electric cigarette things
Hi sqooz, I'm 11 weeks and finding really hard but have cut down to bout 4 a day by smoking half a fag and stubbing it out. I'm going to smoking clinic tommoro so will hopefully get some help and a replacement. The midwife said I'm doing really well and not too stress. It's hard especially as I enjoy a cigarette but I'm determined to stop for my baby. We will do it Hun xx :)
makes me feel so much better that i'm not the only one! I know i should know better, especially as i'm a nurse, but do feel glad that i've at least cut down. Let me know how the smoke stop clinic goes, was thinking of doing that
i cant really help, i did smoke but quit the day after i found out, smoked my last fags and never looked back and i havent found it too hard. i replaced fags with a dummy lol to give me something to have in my hand/mouth and to remind me what i was quitting for. im an all or nothing kinda person tho and very determined when i have a goal. well done for cutting down and dont stress about it as thats worse for you anyway, im sure you will do it!
i used to smoke and as soon as a found out i quit right away. Look up on the internet what smoking whilst pregnant can do and look at pictures, maybe the shock value will help you quit? good luck!
theres a really good electronic cigarette you can get from the internet that does not contain any nicotine etc but you can inhale and even blow out smoke. Its just like having a real cigarette. I'm really struggling still and I do have the odd lapse.
I found it soooo hard as i really enjoyed smoking. I managed it with e-lites though as i think it was more the action for me. Good Luck though hun xxx

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