Questions, Questions....I know I ask so many but.....


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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Can I ask you girls somethings? I might post in 'Ask a mum too' but wanted to know what you were thinking of doing in advance.

Can I ask.

1. Are you buying nursing pillows, someone recommded a cheap v-neck one from argos instead of expensive ones?

2.Are you buying the nappy changing disposal unit things, again I'm getting low on cash but I hate the idea of them smelling up my bins.

3. Breast Expressing, I am intending to breast feed but would like to express to take the pressure of me all the time, I have heard the electric ones are mega sore but effective and the handheld ones not very good, what is everyone doing?

4. Tempted to buy two changing for nursery and one living room, quite fancy a wedge one as can put baby gym over the wedge one as have seen my neighbour do.

Sorry for all these questions, mum and mother-in-law have their own ideas on things and things have changed in last 30 years and I don't have many friends with kids - thank the lord for the forum :)

Ginnymarie said:
1. Are you buying nursing pillows, someone recommded a cheap v-neck one from argos instead of expensive ones?

2.Are you buying the nappy changing disposal unit things, again I'm getting low on cash but I hate the idea of them smelling up my bins.

3. Breast Expressing, I am intending to breast feed but would like to express to take the pressure of me all the time, I have heard the electric ones are mega sore but effective and the handheld ones not very good, what is everyone doing?

4. Tempted to buy two changing for nursery and one living room, quite fancy a wedge one as can put baby gym over the wedge one as have seen my neighbour do.

1. Not Yet. I will be going and getting one if I can feed- my mum wasn't able to breastfeed so I'm keeping my options open.

2. Don't quote me on it... but I think we get one after having baby with Bounty packs?!? :think:

3. Same as question 1- even if I am feeding I won't need a pump for the first week or two so it's something I can always buy after.

4. I've got a soft changing mat for home and a travel mat for changing bag. Will probably buy another one to leave at my mum's but don't ned two at home

1. I have got one because my friend recommended one and said she uses it all the time. It is £10 from Boots.
It is handy because it is inflatable (ie you can take it with you when you travel) and the cover is soft and fleecy and washable.

2.Do you mean the ones that wrap the nappies? Don't buy one as you get a voucher to get a free one in your Bounty Pack when you deliver. nappybin.aspx I will get one to see what it is like, but everyone I know has said they are rubbish and expensive to restock the cartridges. (If no good I will freecycle it)We have on recommendation from my sis who says it is brilliant. But at the end of the day - they are not a necessity. I will be emptying mine every day, so a normal bin would be just fine :D

3. I have heard similar things about different pumps. I have not bought anything yet. I am going to try and hand express first and see how it goes.

4. I am just planning to use the mat out of the baby changing bag or a towel if I am downstairs. It is handy to have something to hand.
1. I haven't used it yet obviously! But I bought the Widgey one from mothercare. It certainly feels very supportive, which I would imagine cheap ones wouldn't? It was £25 i think. It also has a fun cover on :D

2. All the advice I have read is not to bother. They are expensive, don't work, and stink anyway. Also, I think it is possible to get one free nappybin.aspx

3. Again can't really help with the breast pump. I bought the tommee tipeee closer to nature one cos it was half price. So I figure, if I don't get on with it, its only cost me £12.50.

4. I only have one changing mat. But I live in a flat, and can pretty much touch every room from our hall lol!!! So have no need for 2. I bought the fun at the zoo one from mothercare when it was on offer.
Ginnymarie said:
Can I ask you girls somethings? I might post in 'Ask a mum too' but wanted to know what you were thinking of doing in advance.

Can I ask.

1. Are you buying nursing pillows, someone recommded a cheap v-neck one from argos instead of expensive ones?

2.Are you buying the nappy changing disposal unit things, again I'm getting low on cash but I hate the idea of them smelling up my bins.

3. Breast Expressing, I am intending to breast feed but would like to express to take the pressure of me all the time, I have heard the electric ones are mega sore but effective and the handheld ones not very good, what is everyone doing?

4. Tempted to buy two changing for nursery and one living room, quite fancy a wedge one as can put baby gym over the wedge one as have seen my neighbour do.

Sorry for all these questions, mum and mother-in-law have their own ideas on things and things have changed in last 30 years and I don't have many friends with kids - thank the lord for the forum :)


1 Im going ot use my body pillow to double up as a nursing pillow result no extra cost :D
£49.99 you use normal bin liners and its supposed to save you at least £100 a year n the cost of getting refills.

3 I got the hand held one form ASDA it was on sale at xmas at £18 they usualy cost £35 so i grabbed it while is was till cheap.
The electronic ones took one lok at the price and nealry died way to expensive. Both my sisters used hand held and yeah both said thye didnt workd for them but i thought id give it a go anyway.

4 Im going to buy 2 changing mats one for home ive got my eye on the blue hippo one in Mothercare £7.99
and one for travleing out and about a nice fold up one
Ginnymarie said:
Can I ask you girls somethings? I might post in 'Ask a mum too' but wanted to know what you were thinking of doing in advance.

Can I ask.

1. Are you buying nursing pillows, someone recommded a cheap v-neck one from argos instead of expensive ones?

2.Are you buying the nappy changing disposal unit things, again I'm getting low on cash but I hate the idea of them smelling up my bins.

3. Breast Expressing, I am intending to breast feed but would like to express to take the pressure of me all the time, I have heard the electric ones are mega sore but effective and the handheld ones not very good, what is everyone doing?

4. Tempted to buy two changing for nursery and one living room, quite fancy a wedge one as can put baby gym over the wedge one as have seen my neighbour do.

Sorry for all these questions, mum and mother-in-law have their own ideas on things and things have changed in last 30 years and I don't have many friends with kids - thank the lord for the forum :)


1. I'm not buying a specific nursing pillow or pillow. I can always use my body pillow or normal cushions or such. If i find they don't work i may get one afterwards.

2. I have a tommytippee nappy wrapped - we were thinking of getting one and it was £9.98 in mothercare so we did! If it seems to cost too much cartridge-wise then we may end up just using it as a bin and putting normal nappy sacks in there as they are supposed to be good at keeping smells out!

3. I have a manual breast pump (tommeetippee) as I want to be able to express. I don't like the sound of electric ones because they make a noise and seem scary to me! I decided i'd rather have something i can control!

4. Changing mats can be quite cheap so if you fancy two then it sounds like a good idea! We've only got one and the fold up thing that is in our changing bag but i might consider a 2nd cheap one, just for ease!
Ginnymarie said:
1. Are you buying nursing pillows, someone recommded a cheap v-neck one from argos instead of expensive ones?

Nope, not worrying. Got shown the rugby ball hold to be able to use the arm I feel most comfortable with on both sides so am going to go with that and an ordinary pillow for a bit of extra support if needed.

Ginnymarie said:
2.Are you buying the nappy changing disposal unit things, again I'm getting low on cash but I hate the idea of them smelling up my bins.

Again no. A cheap lidded bin with chatches on the lid and you tie up the nappy bags and it should be fine in baby's room. Empty every couple of days or when filling up and put straight outside. I think those disposal units are just another way to spend money you don't have to. Mind you saying that I am using biodegradable nappies to start then going into washables.

Ginnymarie said:
3. Breast Expressing, I am intending to breast feed but would like to express to take the pressure of me all the time, I have heard the electric ones are mega sore but effective and the handheld ones not very good, what is everyone doing?

I'm going to try using my hands over any equipment to start. We watched the video at my BF'ing class on how to do this and I'm going to give it a go. Not going to buy anything unless I have to and really can't get to grips with expressing my own milk.

Ginnymarie said:
4. Tempted to buy two changing for nursery and one living room, quite fancy a wedge one as can put baby gym over the wedge one as have seen my neighbour do.

You can if its what you want. We only have one change mat and that'll be upstairs. If we change down here I'll improvise.
1. Are you buying nursing pillows, someone recommded a cheap v-neck one from argos instead of expensive ones?

No, I'm not. I'm not breastfeeding so that will of course affect the validity of my responses here!

2.Are you buying the nappy changing disposal unit things, again I'm getting low on cash but I hate the idea of them smelling up my bins.

Yes - it was the NUMBER ONE RECOMMENDED ITEM from Jim's manager so he made us get one - they were half price at Mothercare last week; might be worth a look?

3. Breast Expressing, I am intending to breast feed but would like to express to take the pressure of me all the time, I have heard the electric ones are mega sore but effective and the handheld ones not very good, what is everyone doing?

Again, sorry, can't be much help here :cry:

4. Tempted to buy two changing for nursery and one living room, quite fancy a wedge one as can put baby gym over the wedge one as have seen my neighbour do.

Seems a bit over the top? I have one for the nursery but it's easy enough to pick it up and cart it downstairs? Also there's a cheap crappy changing mat (just flat plastic really) that came with the changing bag in the pushchair so I'll use that for portability's sake.

Hope that's helpful! Probably not as I am a skinflint! :rotfl: [/b]
1. I'm not going to buy one to start off with it because my sister in law is going to lend us hers for me to try. She found she got quite reliant on it rather than trying out other positions for feeding and couldn't build up the confidence to go without.

2. I'm the same as Sherlock on this one. I'm going for Nature nappies (the partly degradable ones) to start off with and then washables when we know how big the baby is!

3. I bought the Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature one but only because it was less than half price and I would like to give it a shot. The midwife at the antenatal classes suggested they were all a waste of money and that hand expressing was as easy as anything.

4. We've only got one and to be honest I can see myself not even using it very often!
Ginnymarie said:
1. Are you buying nursing pillows, someone recommded a cheap v-neck one from argos instead of expensive ones?

I have a beanbag pillow found helpful for feeding the others

2.Are you buying the nappy changing disposal unit things, again I'm getting low on cash but I hate the idea of them smelling up my bins.

nope waste of money in my book - I just get them out to the dustbin asap

3. Breast Expressing, I am intending to breast feed but would like to express to take the pressure of me all the time, I have heard the electric ones are mega sore but effective and the handheld ones not very good, what is everyone doing?

used an avent pump before so bought one again 9cant find the old one) also had a medela electric one which did pump more off but tied me to a socket as not battery powered - again cant find it so planning to stick with the avent

4. Tempted to buy two changing for nursery and one living room, quite fancy a wedge one as can put baby gym over the wedge one as have seen my neighbour do.

I am lucky enough to live in a big house so have one mat in the nursery, one in the living room and one in my change bag
geordie lass said:

4 Im going to buy 2 changing mats one for home ive got my eye on the blue hippo one in Mothercare £7.99
and one for travleing out and about a nice fold up one

Psst - if you are buying a baby change bag they usually come with a change mat inside, so don't need to worry about one for out and about. They do the job fine :)
daftscotslass said:
3. I bought the Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature one but only because it was less than half price and I would like to give it a shot. The midwife at the antenatal classes suggested they were all a waste of money and that hand expressing was as easy as anything.!

At my BF'ing class the video they showed explained how to self express well so I figure its worth a shot. Looked far less uncomfortable than expressing with a pump anyways. OK, I'll look silly doing it, but if I am BF'ing ok anyways, its only for freezing or to enable hubby to help feed, so I'll persevere with it a while. Also if LO really does not take to BF'ing I'll express and bottle feed my own milk rather than formula for as long as possible anyways.
I gave my nappy wrapper away and just use the nappy sacks (when I don't use reusuable ones) - I've got two changing mats too, one upstairs and one down
1. Are you buying nursing pillows, someone recommded a cheap v-neck one from argos instead of expensive ones?

I have bought a Widgey feeding pillow, it was £25 I think, whether or not its worth it is yet to be discovered!

2.Are you buying the nappy changing disposal unit things, again I'm getting low on cash but I hate the idea of them smelling up my bins.

No, am hoping to use reusables for environmental reasons - our bin is only emptied once every fortnight so there's no way I could have disposable nappies rotting for such a long time. Plus the bin would get full way before the 2 weeks was up.

3. Breast Expressing, I am intending to breast feed but would like to express to take the pressure of me all the time, I have heard the electric ones are mega sore but effective and the handheld ones not very good, what is everyone doing?

I'm borrowing an electric pump from a friend. I think it retails at around £85 so am very pleased that I'm not parting with my cash!

4. Tempted to buy two changing for nursery and one living room, quite fancy a wedge one as can put baby gym over the wedge one as have seen my neighbour do.

I have a wedge changing mat in the nursery and don't intend on buying another for downstairs. Mainly as we are hoping to use reusable nappies we'd need to change LO upstairs as dirties may need to be rinsed and then put in the nappy bin.
thanks guys

again really helpful advice...

I won't waste my money or things I might not need now

thanks againx

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