Questions about what to take with me on holdiay.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2010
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1) Do I need some sort of special bikini or swim suit?

2) Is it ok to swim in the sea? (stupid question I know)

3) What can I take for diarrhea?

4) Can take sea sickness tablets?

5) Is it ok to use suncream on the bump?

6) Anything you think is essential to take away with us.
Where whatever you want to wear, I wore tankinis but spent most of the time yanking the top half up lol there were loads of pregnant ladies with normal bikinis I wish I did the same!

Cream on bump is fine.

Not sure about tablets as I never took anything but check with the pharmacist.

Swimming in the sea I think is fine too although I never did just incase.

I took my maternity notes with me and made sure I drank plenty of fluids and went in the shade often. Baby was very content in There, don't think he noticed the difference in temperature to be honest! Lol
Oh forgot to ask where your going! We just come back from Cyprus and loved it!
You can't take diarrhea tabs, just bring rehydration salts with you just in case.

Drink lots of water and don't stress too much if you get an upset tummy, just keep your fluids up until it passes.

I made sure I didn't sit out in the sun all day, took regular breaks in the pool / shade and I was fine.

I didn't bring anything extra with me, just packed as if it was a normal holiday :) Have fun! x
Thanks for the advice.

Not sure where we are going. Thinking of Malta but it looks a bit grotty. Only reason is that it is good for diving there which is what my husband wants to do. Cyprus sounds fab. Supposed to be going in less than 2 weeks but still not booked. Crazy.

Thanks so much xxx
I took rennies and I needed them!! I swam in the sea with no problems- I didn't really think about it to be honest! We jumped off the back of the boat into the sea! Looking back now I probably shouldn't have done that but it did us no harm!

Hi Spuggy,

I am off on my hols next Sunday (20th) and am also going to Cyprus!! Very excited and to be honest feeling quite relaxed about it. I am going to ring my doctors and see if I need to meet with my midwife before I go, but I am just going to take my notes and relax!!

I am also wearing a normal bikini - in fact I have bought 4 brand new ones as my boobs have grown so much none of my bikini tops fit he he

I havent suffered yet, but indigestion and heartburn tablets, I will be taking with me, just in case!!

And a high factor suncream!!

Have you booked anything yet! xx
Ooh where you staying Dawn? We stayed at The Dome Beach Hotel in Nissi Bay, Aiya Napa. Fab hotel. The last day we were there the weather was scorching!

Hope you managed to book something spuggy!
Hey Yodabo,

We are staying in Paphos... I went there 2 years ago for a wedding and we stayed in some apartments which were a little out of the way from all the noise. Perfect for me as I dont want to be surrounded by people by the pool and I can also cook my own breakfasts and lunches, and me and my hubby can go out at night for a nice meal!! I honestly cannot wait!!

I did think it was a little selfish going on holiday, when the money could be put towards Baby Lemon, but my friend who is due in mid July, said that is the one thing she regrets, not having a holiday!! So I cannot wait!!

Nissi Bay is lovely - they have some great beaches there dont they!!!

Your wedding picture looks lovely!! xx

Yes I agree, make the most of your holiday while you can lol

We booked this last year before I was pregnant as it was my husbands cousins wedding over there. Completely different going on holiday when your pregnant! We were with other family members who decided to go to the bar every night and there's only so many fruit cocktails I could drink! So yeah the drink side of things was a little bummer but I still loved it!

Your place sounds amazing, my ideal holiday in fact!
Hi Dawn,

We are going to Coral Bay (which is down the road from Paphos) on the 16th so we shall be there at the same time. Will look out for the bump!

Never been to Cyprus so hoping for some sun and nice relaxation.

Don't feel bad about a holiday! You deserve it. Its your last chance of freedom!

oh really?! My friend had her wedding reception in the Coral Bay hotel - it was a 5* (beautiful)... its lovely around there! Great sunsets!! You will love it!

How long are you going for?

iv got tankinis in a bigger size to try and keep my boobs and *hopefully bump by then* in there, :eh:

were going to egypt for 2 weeks on 19th july so 6 weeks time, midwife said yesterday as long as you take precautions like not stayin in the sun too much and keeping hydeated, then all will be good, she also said to keep a copy of notes with you just incase,

take care and enjoy cyprus ladies!!!


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