Question for those planning to use water in labour/birth


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Just wondering for those of you who plan to try and use a birthing pool whether u will use it just for labour or to actually give birth as well?

I would like to try a pool at the MW led unit at the hospital if possible for labour, just not sure about the actual birth bit? Part of me thinks it would be good and babies are meant to be calmer, (going from amniotic fluid into water) easier for mum to move about and get in a good position, conserves energy etc, but at the same time I can't help but worry about there being problems and struggling to get out in an emergency!!

Currently thinking if I can get in then I will do so and c how it all goes.........maybe make a decision there and then based on MW recommendation as to whether I birth in the pool or not.

Any thoughts? xxxx
If the pool in my unit is free then I would like to try it for at least pain relief. Would love to think I could manage the pain with the water and gas+air and have the baby in the water but have a feeling I will be screaming for an epidural lol
I spent a lot of time in the bath at the hospital while I was in labour with my son, found the water very soothing. They have a new pool there now so hoping to give a water birth a go. Had no pain relief with No1 so hoping to do things naturally this time round too, purely because I don't like the after effects of the drugs.... Felt so great after I had my little man, I really want to try and do things the same way this time.
So, anyway, to answer your question, I'm hoping to labour AND deliver in water...... But we'll see!!!!
I used water in labour with my second child, although I had always thought that was something I would never even consider. But when I was struggling and the MW suggested it I thought I might as well give it a go, and it worked absolute wonders. When it was time for my son to be born she asked me if I wanted to come out and have him on land, but I was so happy in the water I decided to stay in and had a wonderful water birth. Baby was happy and relaxed, too, when he was born, so an altogether positive experience!
Thanks girls!

Susanne, sounds like u had a great experience with your son.............think I will do like u and c how things go and if feeling good at the time then stay in (if MW happy that there are no issues).

Hope we all get the chance to use the pools! xxx
was thinking bout water birth with this one as my friend had a very positive experience. but dont know if i can now as am being induced ? also both the boys dropped their heartrates a bt just before delivery as i labour fast so dont think i would b allowed to stay in the pool if that happens xxx
With my second son I spent two hours of my labour in the bath but when it got to the birth part they had to drain the water because it wasn't deep enough, but I still had him in the bath I didn't have enough time to get out. I had a pool birth 4 weeks ago with my daughter Nevaeh, I was only in it for 45 mins because my labour was quick it was amazing. The mw had stuck oils in the bath, the room was dark it was very calming. I managed with gas and air, my waters popped in the pool and she came straight after. It was great to catch my baby, nobody had touched her apart from me :) also the strangest part was having to wait for the cord to stop pulsating so then it could be cut. I also had to give birth to the placenta without any injections, all I had to do was push. Honestly best birth experience out of the three children I have, Nevaeh was 9lb 6.5oz and very easy in the pool. Go for it :) x
With my second son I spent two hours of my labour in the bath but when it got to the birth part they had to drain the water because it wasn't deep enough, but I still had him in the bath I didn't have enough time to get out. I had a pool birth 4 weeks ago with my daughter Nevaeh, I was only in it for 45 mins because my labour was quick it was amazing. The mw had stuck oils in the bath, the room was dark it was very calming. I managed with gas and air, my waters popped in the pool and she came straight after. It was great to catch my baby, nobody had touched her apart from me :) also the strangest part was having to wait for the cord to stop pulsating so then it could be cut. I also had to give birth to the placenta without any injections, all I had to do was push. Honestly best birth experience out of the three children I have, Nevaeh was 9lb 6.5oz and very easy in the pool. Go for it :) x

Thanks for sharing hun.....lovely story.........really like the fact that u were the first one to touch LO xxx
was thinking bout water birth with this one as my friend had a very positive experience. but dont know if i can now as am being induced ? also both the boys dropped their heartrates a bt just before delivery as i labour fast so dont think i would b allowed to stay in the pool if that happens xxx

I think different hospitals have different policies on pool use with u may be able to?.....I know if hb drops then I will have to get out (a friend had her LO recently and was gonna get in the pool but just as it filled LO's hb dropped and therefore dr said she couldn't get in).

Mayb u could just go for pool use during labour if they let u for as long as LO ok......they still monitor hr regularly xxx
I'm having a water birth, hoping pool is free. Have heard it really helps with the pain so want to stay in as long as pods and hopefully give birth in it too. Dart question as I know its safe but how long can baby breathe underwater for?
Baby isn't breathing until they take there first gulp of air so whilst they're under and coming out they're just fine. They're born with a reflex that means they hold their breath when submerged (hence why you can do those awesome swimming classes when they're teeny and you put them under water etc - like the baby off the Nirvana album cover :eek:))
They're still getting the oxygenated blood they need from the cord and placenta rather than needing to breathe actual oxygen. xx
Thanks mum2b410 going to c consultant today so will check as should b given my induction date today !! xxx
I have been to the Water Birth class and have just put in my notes that I'm not sure if I would like a water birth or not and that I would like to be able to decide at the time. I did labour in water last time but when I had Lennon, giving birth in water was not an option.

I ended up having a spinal and forceps delivery with Lennon and lost two pints of blood after the birth so I'm not sure if I'll be allowed to give birth in water anyway.
I'm hoping to labour and deliver the baby in a pool... When I spoke to a mw about it, she made it sound like a great experience, better for both mum and baby. But I want to stay flexible - if it doesn't feel right, then I won't force myself!
As with all this labour lark I guess flexibility is the key! xx
I wanted a water birth with Ellie but oh at the time didnt want me to :(

I've not really thought about my options with this one.. I think I'm still in denial about it all!! :shock:
My sister was in the pool when I was her birthing partner for my nephew.. I don't like the idea of being totally naked infront of everyone... I know u don't care when ur in labour.. But I don't want to be naked! Mil wants to be there (she doesn't know she won't be in the room for the pushing part.. It's gonna be in my birth plan as a very important thing that it's just me and oh for pushing) so I dont really want her seeing me naked either!
I am definitely having a water birth, both labour and delivery in water, if the pool is available when the time comes. So much so that we'll be checking out the other 2 hospitals in our trust to see how long it takes to get there so that if the pool at Dewsbury is not available we can see if we can go to Pinderfields or Pontefract and use the pool there.

In terms of being naked in front of everyone, like you say, at the time you won't care, but you don't have to be totally naked. You can wear a tankini type top or an old T-Shirt to cover up your top half, just like you would if birthing outside the pool. The advantage of being naked though is that your baby can be lifted straight onto your tummy/chest for skin to skin contact.
I intend to labour in the pool & I did with my first labour & I loved it. But I do not want to birth in the pool. I don't know, but something about sitting in all my bodily fluids really makes me feel ill...I don't even like baths at home.
I'm not planning to b fully naked! Got a bikini top to wear and if I get out got a couple of cheapy nighties which I wont care if get ruined. I still not sure about birthing in the pool, I am gonna c how I feel at the time xxx

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