My Birth pool Arrived ;)

Natural mamma

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2007
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My birth pool got here today. Midwife is coming tomorrow to leave homebrth kit. Mostly i am really excited, as i don't know what i'm having.. Then i think of the afterpains with baby 4 and get really nervous......I'm hoping the six year age gap will have allowed my womb to be normal about having another baby...Its like i go into labour again afterwards for about 6 hours...(it was so bad last time the mw let me still use the g&a) :shock:

I also hope i get the birth pool up and running. I've never had a water birth. I live in old cottage with a dodgey ancient hot water system. But thankfully i do have an Aga i intend using for heating up big pans of water. Fingers crossed :cheer:
I also had bad after pains with my second, to be honest they hurt more than the labour :shock:

Good luck with your homebirth,im also planning one but i prefer to be dry. Have you had one before?
I had a water birth but in hospital and it was fab :cheer: really took the edge off the back pain.
Nicola g
PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 14:05 pm Post subject:
I also had bad after pains with my second, to be honest they hurt more than the labour Shocked

Good luck with your homebirth,im also planning one but i prefer to be dry. Have you had one before?
This is my fourth homebirth and my first water birth (ever and will also be at home)! i am very excited. Please feel free to ask away if you want any advice. :wave:
How exciting getting the birth pool! Bet that makes it all seem very real!

I'm getting a bit worried about these nasty 2nd baby after pains I keep hearing about! :shock:
clairescunny55 said:
oo how exciting! my afterpains were much worse after my 2nd baby :cry:

they get worse with each baby. Mine were horrendous after Sam and the doctor told me if I had a fourth they'd be even worse :shock:

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