Question for sister! Blocked tube!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2011
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Hey girls my older sis is unfortunately jouning me in the long ter 2 year ttc journey.(always do everythin together). She is not as much of a geek and researcher as me so thought I could ask you a little advice for her too if possible.

Anyway shes 34 and after coming off the depo she had her af return quite quickly at 6 months. After 1 year went to dr go referred to fertilitydr. Results all indicating regular ovulation and has regular as clockwork af. OH sperm ok too.

Problems occured at HSG where she had an awful time. Sore and took ages dr there saying they got only a small amount of dye down the right tube. Fertility dr follow up states she has a blocked tube at the top. Said to her her left tube etc is fine and working normally. I had made her a list if questions to ask 2 if which being about a laparoscopy and AMH levels as shes 34. Told no on both counts. Not needed. She has had at the HSG all the tries to unblock the tube to no luck. Basically go away keep trying and your on the NHS waiting list for IVF which is 2 years long.

Now she has seemed to accept this but I think that surely they can do something about a blocked tube? Also they mentioned that with the blocked tube she has an increased chance of ectopic. So should she not stop ttc the month that shes ovulating on the right? Ive also said she should get an AMH test privately to know where she stands as 2 years down the line her levels could be too low.

Any advice girls?
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Hiys Laura :)

Sorry about your sis :(

Well the bottom line is that if she ovulates from the left ovary, that she should be able to get pregnant - which is something :) What she needs to do is make sure is that she isn't missing her ovulation and she really should invest in a CBFM imo.

As for the ectopic stuff, she doesn't really have a choice and i think she has no option but to risk it. I don't believe that the ovary that twinges is necessarily is the one that ovulation is occuring from and she need to take every chance in getting pregnant.

Her having an ectopic isn't guaranteed, sometimes they can correct themselves and worst case scenario it happens and she loses the baby and maybe the tube - at least it shouldn't be able to happen again.

Unblocking a tube isn't easy. If the pressure of the dye doesn't clear it then the only option is surgery in which case scar tissue is formed which can block the tube itself.

As for the AMH, i think it's a good idea but the odds are in her favour that if IVF comes around when she is 36 that she still should be ok xx
Thanks Louise, she already uses the cbfm and has been for a year. She will continue to do so. Hopefully her AMH is not going to be like mine! I didnt realise a blocked tube was as difficult. Appreciate your advice, thanks! Ill let her know!
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