Question for experienced Ebay sellers


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
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How do you work out the postage costs?

Do you package the item up first and take it to the Post Office to be weighed or do you weigh on scales at home and have a Royal Mail pricelist???

Or do you just guess?

I've got so many things to flog on Ebay but keep putting it off because I'm not sure what to do about the postage costs.
yes thats what i do, another way is to see similar items already listed on ebay and copy their postage costs.
good luck with your selling!!
I just guess most of the time and when I go to the post office to send the item im usually pretty close. Sometimes though I will type in what im selling and see how much other sellers are charging for postage on that item on average :)
I package them, leave them open and stick them on my (digital) kitchen scale and use the amount on the RM website plus whatever the packaging cost me.

Remember that if you're selling using PayPal you need to send them via a method with proof of delivery (not proof of posting) like recorded/special delivery to qualify for seller protection. This is if a buyer says the item hasn't been received - you'll have proof it's been signed for.
I have just picked up a Royal Mail Postage costs leaflet from the Post Office so I can now weight items etc (more for overseas than the UK).

For UK items I have always guessed unless something is particulary heavy and then its probably worth weighing it so you dont lose any money!

I have just sold about 12 items of clothing, and was pretty reasonable with my postage costs. Remember though you are charging for posting and packing - I pack all my items in tissue paper, and then pretty coloured mailing bags, which I have to buy, and I also print all the address labels on my printer - so if my postage is over a little then it helps me recoup some of my packing costs.
depends what it is BUT I firstly weight it roughly on scales, check out RM Site for cost of firstclass and recorded (I always offer the 2 options to buyers) then I add a few quid to cover packing costs. Next I look on ebay for similar items and check their costs to compaire. I always try to under cut all other sellers of the same/similar items only beacuse when im buying I always look for people with cheapest postage so feel others may feel the same lol.
I always guess!! Im not usually far out, and I try to make the postage cheaper than what other people charge for similar items. DOnt forget to take in to account your packaging too!
yah i guess and im usually pretty close.

I try to keep my P&P low so i usually only wrap in Carrier bags and Black bags. Personally id rather my seller did that than paying a fortune for fancy wrapping that just gets chucked away
A good tip is to search for the items you are selling on e-bay & see what postage costs other sellers have used, then do an average.

If you are looking at the costs from Royal Mail - remember to add a little bit on for any packing costs (sellotape, box, bubble wrap, brown paper etc.).

Also - if the parcel is quite heavy it can be cheaper to send via a different parcel carrier. I use Parcel2Go. You arrange collection & payment online and they will collect from your house the following day.

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