Question for breastfeeders.....


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2010
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Do I still need to buy bottles and steriliser if I am intending to breastfeed???? I am totally ignorant about this, lol xxxx
I just bought a microwave steriliser and 3 bottles ( 1 came with steriiser the other 2 were in sale) jsut incase I had problems breastfeeding and then they are also there if I want to express later for oh to feed
I have about 6 bottles and a steriliser, I got sore nipples so expressed and fed her from a bottle, then had mastitis and expressed also so they have come in handy, apart from this shes exclusively breast fed x
Rósa;1840799 said:
I just bought a microwave steriliser and 3 bottles ( 1 came with steriiser the other 2 were in sale) jsut incase I had problems breastfeeding and then they are also there if I want to express later for oh to feed

Yes thanks, this was what I was thinking of doing....I guess even if you don't have any problems it's likely you'll be wanting to express xxx
I have about 6 bottles and a steriliser, I got sore nipples so expressed and fed her from a bottle, then had mastitis and expressed also so they have come in handy, apart from this shes exclusively breast fed x

Thanks. Has she had any trouble switching between breast and bottle Lexi??? Am thinking of getting those 'closer to nature' bottles which are similar to nipple shaped.....xx
hey, we did the same as above. bottles and steriliser just in case there were any problems. thank gid we did as unfortunately we did have problems so we were really lucky that we got the most out of them......josh had no problems switching between the 2 but as far as im aware it just does depend on the baby in regards to switching between the two...... xxxxx
George switches between bottle (for expressed) and breast fine but I didn't risk it until he was 5 weeks old cos we took a while to really get going with b/f and I didn't want him to refuse the breast after having bottle.
I bought a steriliser and some bottles. Tommee tippee closer to nature ones but Isla refuses them :( the closest I have been able to give her anything from a bottle is a NUK one.

If you buy a pump it does come with one bottle and a steriliser box.

Emma x
I expressed into a bottle for one feed when my nipples were cracked and bleeding so I would def recommend you have bottles in the house ready. I think the tommee tippee ones are good :)
Yeah get at least one bottle with a pump in case you want to express a feed into a bottle for ur nips sake. I use the CTN since Eva was 2 weeks old and Eva has no problems switching from bottle to boob.
Yeah get at least one bottle with a pump in case you want to express a feed into a bottle for ur nips sake. I use the CTN since Eva was 2 weeks old and Eva has no problems switching from bottle to boob.

OOh that's another thing I've forgotton - breast pump!!! Thanks all, so that's steriliser, bottles and breast pump I still need to
Yeah ul need a steriliser for ur pump and dummies (if ur gonna use them) I only intend breastfeeding for 3 months max so bought bottles ready for the transition xx

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