Question for 2nd time mums


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2006
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I have a 20 month old and am expecting my second in June. We live in a 2 bedroom house, so the baby will soon be sharing a room with its older sister. How do the older ones adapt to being disturbed by a baby in the nursery? Can they get used to it? I have visions of none of us sleeping and all of us mooching about this nursery waking each other up all night. Any advice????
Hi there,

I don't imagine it being too much of a problem unless I am lucky with our boy.. he is 34 months old and my baby is 15 weeks old and we recently moved and all sharing a bedroom together at the moment due to decorating what will be the boys room. My son stirs a little and generally goes back to sleep only one occasion has my eldest son woke up and could not re settle and that was when we all had that flu virus that was going around in November/December. If my son is anything to go by I think they attune themselves to it.. I think its more difficult when the age gap is greater and you have your first at primary school a friend said to me that her daughter was tired throughout the day due to being woken by the younger one in the night until the eldest child had to accept the younger one being in there.. which is a very difficult situation to be in I imagine.

Hope this helps
could the newborn come in with you for the first few weeks just till it settles into a night time routine :think:
I will be watching this thread closely, as Im in a similar situation! We are about to move my 4 month old daughter into big brothers bedroom, and I have to admit I am very nervous about it!! :shhh: My eldest has always been a really good sleeper so I dont think she will actually disturb him that much tbh, but until we try it, I really dont know. Ive got visions of Eden waking Tyler up and then having to cope with 2 miserable kids at 3am rather than just one hungry baby iykwim?! :lol: Will let you know how it goes when we move her...will be very soon as she is touching both ends of her moses basket, we just wanna decorate Tylers room before we move her in there. Its not ideal I know, but if you think about it, years ago there would be 3 or 4 kids sharing a bed let alone a room, so it cant be that bad!! :think: My dad was one of 5 brothers and they all shared a room in a 2 bed house, didnt do any of them any harm :)
Thanks for your interest and replies, I am hoping then that it will just be a case of adapting, I`d forgot about the olden days of all kids sharing a bed. might try that ha haa xx
I had my kids in my room until they were between 4-6 months old (depending on how the sleeping went) My boys have always shared a room in that whether we have been in a 4 bed house and they have had their own rooms or not they end up in one bed together. Now all three of mine are always in one bed together no matter what we do. I have said to Hubby we could have saved a fortune just buying one bed for them all :rotfl:

My eldest suffers from night terrors and often wakes up loudly and all three of them wake up now and then having had a bad dream or needing a wee etc etc and it has never bothered the other two. The only problem I have with it is if one wakes up at 6 am they all do :roll: All you can do is give it a go and of you come across problems deal with them as they turn up I am sure lots of us on here will have tips :hug:
I can't really give any advice as such, but when I was little I slept in the same room with my brother. We had enough bedrooms in our house, but we preferred to sleep together, so that we had a sleeping room and a play room. I slept in the same room with him until he went to school at seven (in Finland). I was five at the time. I then slept in my mum's bed (dad slept in a guest room) until I went to school myself.

I loved it!

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