Question about waters

First Baby White

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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Can you have a bath or shower after your waters break, just dont like the idea of going into hospital after my waters break without having a wash ha ha
Bath is not recommended due to the risk of infection, but I've been told a shower is fine. I asked my MW the same question as last time my waters didn't break til I was 8cm, so I'd been in and out of the birthing pool by then anyway. Want to be prepared this time if they break at home!
Exactly what Miffy said!

I've heard the same thing tbh, obviously the same applies to swimming pools but showers are fine.

Not sure if id bath after waters had broken :think: I might do in my own house where i know bath is clean and prob not use bubble bath, depends how i feel though, if Tally is planning on making her appearence soon after they go i dont think itd make much difference, would it?
I'd not heard that.

My waters broke early with my first so I was confined to hospital so only had showers.
My waters broke first at home and when i rung the hospital the midwife advised me to take some paracetamol and a bath to help with any pain, so maybe a bath is fine i am not sure :think: I had a shower as my waters kept leaking and i didnt fancy sitting in a bath with all that still gushing out :)
When my waters went I was told a bath at home is absolutely fine and was actually recommended to do so. I had a bath - I was fine and Becky was fine. I was told it was just at hospital you weren't allowed a bath because although they're cleaned there is still a higher risk of infection. There weren't any baths in the hospital rooms I was in anyway!

Seems to be different for different places though, typically. :roll:
When I phoned the midwife unit after my waters had broken, they said I could have either a bath or a shower. I think it's dangerous for you to have a bath after many hours though... ??

To be honest there's no point cleaning up anyway as you'll only carry on leaking :rotfl:
My midwife at the ParentCraft classes has said that they don't reccommend a bath after the waters have broken as it may cause infection but that a shower is perfectly fine.
I'm glad a lot of you have siad you were told it was ok to have a bath, i was almost expecting a flurry of "how could you be so irresponsible planning to take a bath after they're broken posts lol"

I plan on avoiding the hospital baths anyway
To be honest if your waters go a good while before you go into labour as mine did, they're worried about infection regardless of whether or not you have a bath and you're given IV antibiotics as a precautionary measure. I keep my bath at home clean and I'm sure it's cleaner than a lot of hospital birth pools so it's not something I would worry about.

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