question about the metallic taste I was having.........


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2012
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hi girls as some of you may know, from about 4-5-6 dpo I've been getting the most digusting acidic, bitter, metallic taste, but only on the left hand side / rear of my tongue. It was getting worse, so figured it might be something to do with a filling? anyhoo, I booked the dentist for 2.10pm tomorrow afternoon to rule out any dental work needing done.

anyway, it's all subsided now, theres just the faintest of faint tastes of it now, but I had a tin of barr's cola, which can taste quite ironlike, so figured it might be that.

so my question you think I should still go the dentist or not? Think maybe I should still go just to check my dental work is okay? I passed my 6 month check up in January and got fillings renewed, just little ones, but one was at the back where the "taste" seemed to be? Could just be that eh?

Off topic - - - - Oh and wanted to add also that I'm totally gutted today, what with the sun being out and everything, there must have been about 20 VERY pregnant ladies pass by my house today with their bumps almost hanging out in the sun! Talk about rubbing salt in the wounds!
I would just go hun. Won't do any harm and at least ul know if it is or isn't tooth related! I know what u mean about pg tummies everywhere!! I get my pelvic ultrasound results tomorrow and gettin referred for further tests. Am doing smep just now!! With c+. Loving that! :) How's ur cycle going? X
oh god kiki don't ask! It's going okay and just when I really convince myself that I'm well and truly out (only 7dpo by the way) then another something comes along and makes me think.

Like right now, at this moment, I have mild metallic mouth, constipated, trapped wind pains in right hand side and lower tummy and sore nipples.

now all this is normal for me except the metal mouth or the not pooping.

I am still HPTing every day until BFP or AF, so watch this space lol. Due on 3rd, which I think is a week today! Just one little week of waiting!

Yeah will still go to the dentist, if I cancel late anyways it costs me £30 even though I don't pay for dental work! Shocking!
oh and gl with SMEP and yeah the C+ is fab isn't it!! My OH didn't even know I had it in there, he just thought he was turning me on more than usual! Which is pretty hard! But he liked me extra juicy lol
Mine didn't know either!! Why did mother nature make pg symptoms like AF symptoms?!! Grrrrrrrr! I'm on cd14 but have no idea how long this one will be or if I'll even ov! Before my 4 months with nothing I was 37 day cycle so just have to go with that for now! But who knows! Oh is keen on the smep routine so at least it's fun trying!! X
And I'm going thru opk's like they're going out of fashion!!!! X
Oh i was the same until this cycle hun, i was peeing on them at least 3 times a day then finally at 11.30pm on CD13 I got a mega clear positive! They are nice and cheap though and although they don't work for everyone, they certainly worked for me!

I didn't pee on mine this time til CD10-11 and got clear positives straight away, glad I didn't leave it to CD13 this time!
oh and gl with SMEP and yeah the C+ is fab isn't it!! My OH didn't even know I had it in there, he just thought he was turning me on more than usual! Which is pretty hard! But he liked me extra juicy lol

Sorry Liz but I have no clue why you have the strange taste but hell did your comment make me laugh! "extra juicy" :rofl:

Fx its your month and all your symptoms are a nice "juicy" bfp :D
Yeah I decided to just test every day cos iv no idea what this cycle will be like. I'm just really hoping that I WILL ov and things won't just stop again. Though have been feeling positive this month. Bit of a slump today tho! Now if only we could get our bfp's at the same time since we're neighbours!!!! X
I know we really would be bump buddies lol We could meet up and compare bump sizes and everything lololol

I like the term extra juicy lol. i get "juicy" before normal sex when not ovulating and extra juicy when ovulating or when i'm using C+. I even persuade oh by telling him i'll be extra juicy for him lol God that's sounding so awful lol
You are just OOZING with juice,

And em, liz, do people in dundee call a can a juice a tin? I got dead confused earlier.
i dont know liz maybe just go anyways just to get checked xx
I'm backkkkkkkk. Nothing wrong with my fillings and no sign of infection she said sometimes a filling can break away a little and gives a. Metallic bitter taste but my fillings are intact. So who knows. It's very mild now and hardly notice it so its not bothering me x x

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Yep a tin of juice lol

sent from my snazzy HTC

thats so funny!

btway, is dundee like a really small place? my cousins bf's fam stay up there, theyr a big fam... the Robson, the grandad is peter ?? I dont know them I just know of them xxxx
dundee is quite a big place hun, not as big as edinburgh or glasgow but big(ish) nonetheless!! Nope never heard of him, sorry!
thats alright lol, I was just being curious, I knew dundee was smaller than glasgow though EH lol jk love.

how you feeling today metalic mouth? xxxxx
ha ha I'm feeling fine, so symptoms whatsoever to report and feeling fine! I'm still peeing on sticks for the hell of it and look forward to seeing everyone elses BFPs lol

How are you? Are you going to cave in and use the slip sliding C+ tonight and let DJ back into your good books?

Liz x
Urgh! I forgot that I was pissed off at him! well last night I ended up dead busy and I says "oh we were meant to have sex and am shattered now.." n hes like "is it a prophecy?" I said no but obviously I need to go prepare my C+ so thats why I was letting you know n hes like "well you dont need to tell me" so I wont now, he was the one that asked to be involved.. So I though fuck ye, am away to bed :)

I'll need to use the C+ and BD tonight otherwise I wont get very far this month! it sucks cause even when your pissed off with them you have to still have sex and sex is a treat god dammit! lolol we will see if he has been a good boy and cleaned the house when I go in...

Still dont have a positive OPK so thats a bit demoralising..

8DPO exciting, your cycle flies in Im like a wee turtle, get there in the end..

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