question about mmc?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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hey ladies. i have my 12 week scan on monday. had one at 7 and a half weeks and everything was perfect. but have been hearing about missed miss carriages and people finding out on the 12 week scan and starting to worry.
my symptoms are still going strong.. just today i threw up on the street (not my finest moment haha). so was just wondering if missed miscarriage typically has no symptoms leading up to scan. or can you still have symptoms?
im sure everything will be fine, but still cant help but worry my babys heartbeat wont show.
With mine all was fine at about 7 ish weeks but I found out at about 11 weeks that baby had died at 8 weeks. I had no symptoms what so ever. Literally nothing. I also think I already knew something was wrong xxx

I had symptoms until about a week before the scan. The baby measured 7 weeks but I still had symptoms after it had died iyswim, but only sickness, and even the sickness felt different to this sickness. Sorry that's not much help, but just try not to worry xx
I had a mmc last year. I had all the symptoms, sickness, tender boobs etc, but something just didn't feel right. It's hard to explain but I had this feeling that something was wrong. When I had my scan and they told me the baby was very tiny, I just knew, it wasn't a surprise for me at all. it was still devastating and I cry for him still now.

I really wish I could reassure you more. Mmc's are fairly rare so chances are your little bubba is just fine xxx
Try not to worry about an mmc. I'm trying desperately not to worry too - my scan is also on Monday. I have never had an mmc and this is my first pregnancy, so I can't advise on this, but I don't think symptoms are much to go by. Fingers crossed for us on Monday, eh? :-) x
It's all I think about! I had a mmc 5yrs ago. All my symptoms went at around 8 weeks. When I had my scan at 11 weeks sure enough baby died at 8 weeks. I also had a mc last year that started with brown discharge at 6 weeks and bled at 8 weeks, all my symptoms went on that one too. I knew both times that baby had died so when I had scan it was no surprise.

I'm so worried about this one but clinging to the fact I still have sore boobs and feel a bit sick throughout day, also weeing in night. I don't feel like something has happened yet so that's a good sign I hope!

So fingers crossed ladies x
I think its a worry everyone has hun. No 2 pregnancies are the same so there is no right or wrong amount of symptoms to have.

I am absolutely petrified everyday that something will happen to my little spud.

Its just best to try not to think that way and enjoy your pregnancy. Fx everything will be ok xx

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If a heartbeat is picked up at an early scan the chances of something going wrong before 12 weeks go right down to only 3%. As said every pregnancy is different and you can literally drive yourself mad with worry which is obviously not good for you xxxxxxxx
try not to worry i think its instinct to know if something has gone wrong, i was convinced last week before my scan something wud be wrong and i was scanned at 6 and 8 weeks and all was fine. Once you see that bubba on the screen youll be mesmerised x
thanks ladies.
really sorry to hear that some of you have been through this yourselves, but feel so grateful that your willing to open up to help other girls out.

i think its only natural for me to be worrying as well.
hopefully il have good news on monday :)

good luck to you all
and looking forward to hearing about your scan on monday karenC :)

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