Something on my mind

I'm exactly the same! I found out I was pregnant just over a week ago, think I am about 6 or 7 weeks (unsure exactly due to long cycle length).

Last week felt quite queasy, hungry and thirsty all the time and also very tired and also with occasional period type cramps, but this week all seems to have eased off (and I'm nowhere near the end of the 1st trimester) which is making me worry something might be wrong because I feel so well! :? Saw my dr to tell him I was pregnant but won't get a scan until around 12 weeks- 6 weeks of worrying to go!!!

However feeling much better also coincides with my half-term (I am a teacher) so am getting plenty of rest, drinking loads of water and am able to eat whenever I want so the rational side of me knows it probably just down to that, but the worrier side of me stills keeps having niggles!

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