question about jabs


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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leahs got her first jabs tomorrow
do they do both legs at same time??
what did your baby react like? crying for a long time or just briefly?
and did they have any reaction to it such as high temp or rash??

thanks :)
i would suggest giving somw calpol before you go and yes jayde was a little grumpy hope they go well :hug: :hug:
Yeah give some calpol first and she'll be fine. they usually do one in each leg and for the 1st needles babies are quite good. Aimee slept through her 1st one then woke up briefly for her 2nd one to cry.
At some places they will have 2 nurses and do both legs at the same time, but most places just have 1. She'll get them ready first so there's not much of a gap between jabs. ds cried for a while - proper screaming cry! I ended up having to breastfeed him in the waiting room to calm him down. They'll make you wait for 10-15 mins after the jabs to make sure she doesn't have a reaction to them.

Some people find it really hard (like me!) other people have no problem with it. Just remember it's what's best for her, and you'd rather she had a couple of nasty jabs than actually got poorly.
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Lil miss cried sooo much after her jabs.. :cry: And it made her ultra clingy... Take a bottle with you though, because I found the only way to make her better was to give her boob and cuddles.

They made her have it in both legs, one after the other and I had to hold her leg down, which I hated doing.. But she didn't look at me the same way Tia did when she had her LP, that look of OMG why are you letting them do this to me.. instead she looked like... Ow ow it hurts, mummy cuddle me. :cry:

I came home and gave her calpol because every time I brushed her thighs (i.e. while changing or on the edge of her swing seat) she cried in pain, and I'm sorry, I won't have my children in pain if I can help it and I could... one 2.5ml teaspoon made it all better.. :)
has calpol been recalled?

my little lady was asleep when she had hers. She screamed and i rocked her and she fell back to sleep. She was a little grumpy after for about 48hours and had calpol that seemed to help.

she s got her next ones tues but i thought i heard calpol is off the market atm :think: i'll have to check before!
He screamed when he was first given them, I gave him a quick feed and he was fine after that. The second lot he screamed again but calmed down 5 minutes later after a cuddle, luckily both times he was alright after he'd had his little whinge so I didn't need calpol. I think I was more upset than he was!
annem said:
has calpol been recalled?

my little lady was asleep when she had hers. She screamed and i rocked her and she fell back to sleep. She was a little grumpy after for about 48hours and had calpol that seemed to help.

she s got her next ones tues but i thought i heard calpol is off the market atm :think: i'll have to check before!

It was cough meds that recalled and not because there was a problem with the med, but because there were fears of overdose, due to the instructions.
My mum took Lola in for hers as i couldn't do it. She also got a nasty rash afterwards and ended up in hospital :cry:

She was fine with her other ones it was just the first ones she got a rash with.
were back.. it was very quick but she cried for about 3-4 minutes and looked so sorry for herself :( but shes fine now :)
Glad it went okay!
Ella has hers next week and I'm making OH take her..She was fine with her Vit K and her heel prick (I cried..she didn't :lol: ) I just can't bear to look.
Glad it went well Kim, well done to Leah for being a brave little girl!

Jacob has his injections tomorrow afternoon.... i'm dredding it!!!

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