Question about Eczema


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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Logan has some Eczma on his shoulders, neck and cheeks. I've been putting baby oil in his bath to help moisturise his skin.

I only found out it was eczema today, the hv said not to use soap which i stopped doing a while ago anyway, but i forgot to ask about the baby oil

Do you think this is helping or should I stick to plain water? He has got a horrible greasy parrafin cream from the hv.
ive got 4 things but leland has it over his legs arma back and tummy , oilatum on the bath is good tho , we get that on prescription :cheer:
Not sure, but we were given Aqueous cream to rub in and that can also be used as soap to wash them with.

I'd probably stop everything except what your HV has given you and then see if it makes any diff. If not start using it again.
We are using only lavera neutral baby range. face cream really helps daniel :hug:
I stopped using everything when Aimee had it, no shampoo, soap, bubble bath, perfumed wipes. They don't smell too good but helps a lot with the eczema. Some of the creams you can use as a soap substitute. Porridge oats are really good for their skin too if you want something less greasy. Just put some in a sock or tights and soak it in the bath for a couple of minutes.
I recommend aveeno bath oil and body cream and also oilatum junior - all available on prescription. I get a repeat prescription every week for Jacob and its working a treat!
Charlie hasn't got eczema but the gp gave us a prescrption for oilatum anyway cos he is dead against using baby products. He advised us to use a natural oil like olive oil, the oilatum and also an aquaeous cream. The aveeno is supposed to be really good as well, my sister's lo has bad eczema and she gets this on prescription.
Thanks for the replies, I'll stop using anything but water for now and I'll ask the hv if there's anything I can get on prescription to put in his bath. He had one last nigt and is skin felt really dry without the baby oil.

Luckily there's only a few small red scaly patches at the moment, it does seem to be spreading though!
I had eczema as a baby but outgrew it by age 3 (apart from an occassional flaring upon my hands) so hopefully he'll be the same :pray:
i only use aqueous cream on Cammy, but he still ended up with a steroid cream, but it cleared up by the time he was one. And has never returned touch wood. The only thing he is bothered with is Dandruff but he had cradle cap constantly till about 4 so im not surprised, i just use T-Gel once a week and it pretty much keps things at bay
Rah! I had to take Logie to the doctor today as the HV said that his eczema is infected. So now he's got fucidin antibiotic cream as well as the diprobase :(

I ordered some baby aveeno collodial bath stuff for him the other day, hopefully it'll be here tomorrow. I'm worried about bathing him at the moment as it makes his skin so dry, hopefully the aveeno stuff will help.
poor Logie! James is dry like a dinosaur sometimes too when he has a bath xx

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