Baby eczema

Full of hope!

Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2007
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Hi all :D

I took Jacob to see my HV today as he has got some very dry area's of skin on his forehead, face, and legs which he's been scratching and had made very sore :(

The HV said that it's baby eczema and gave me a prescription for some bath oil, aqueous cream to wash him with and doublebase cream to moisturise him with :shock: After using it all tonight he was like a slippery snake! Just hope it starts to get better soon!

Has anyone else's baby got eczema? Do you find that anything makes it worse that I should avoid? The HV said he may grow out of it at around 6 months.... has anyone's baby grown out of it and when?

I feel so sorry for him, he looks so sore :(
my LO had it on her arms. She is nearly 8 months now and it disappeared around 6 - 7 months.
Aimee had it really bad but it cleared up by the time she turned one. I found I couldn't use anything on her, no bubble bath, no soap, no shampoo, no softener in the washing and sensitive baby wipes only. I was really hard work but at least it should clear up :hug: A lot of the creams I got didn't really work that well. I found Allergenic from Boots worked really well but if that failed she had to have the steroid cream. Oats in the bath water works well too, not as slippy either.

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