I would like some info please as I'm starting to get a bit pee'd off with my body!!!
I started miscarrying on 27th Feb @ 8weeks. I miscarried naturally and bled for a further 2 weeks, then the discharge started looking a bit pus like so I went to the Dr's and was given a weeks course of antibiotics (a swab was sent off & the results were normal - no infection). I then bled - very lightly- for a further 2 weeks (the last 4 days of which it was more dark coloured and I thought might be my 1st period). I then had 5 days of no bleeding, but discharging a clear/white mucus & now today I'm bleeding again (7 weeks after miscarriage started).
Is this normal? Am I just starting my period now? Should I see a Dr?
Any advice from people who have miscarried would be much appreciated as I'm hating this cycle of every time I go to the loo not knowing what I'll find. AND continuing to wear sanitary pads is sooooooo demoralising!

I started miscarrying on 27th Feb @ 8weeks. I miscarried naturally and bled for a further 2 weeks, then the discharge started looking a bit pus like so I went to the Dr's and was given a weeks course of antibiotics (a swab was sent off & the results were normal - no infection). I then bled - very lightly- for a further 2 weeks (the last 4 days of which it was more dark coloured and I thought might be my 1st period). I then had 5 days of no bleeding, but discharging a clear/white mucus & now today I'm bleeding again (7 weeks after miscarriage started).
Is this normal? Am I just starting my period now? Should I see a Dr?
Any advice from people who have miscarried would be much appreciated as I'm hating this cycle of every time I go to the loo not knowing what I'll find. AND continuing to wear sanitary pads is sooooooo demoralising!