Q about Ante-natal appointments


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2012
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I would just like some reassurance about ante-natal appointments.

Today I went for my initial docs appt (4+6) to get the ball rolling wrt booking appt with mw which was at 8-10 weeks when I ws pg with my ds. Only I was told now you dont have that appt, you get a letter for your 12 week scan which is accompanied by a consultant appt, then a 20 week scan, before being referred to the community midwife around 24 weeks.

Is that the same in other health trusts (I'm skeptical about mine cost cutting!)?

Oh and I'm hypothryoid, my last tests where on the high end of the normal range for T4 and the low end for TSH, so very well controlled. However I was obviously expecting quite frequent monitoring. If it wasnt for this I wouldnt be concerned!

Thoughts and experiences would be appreciated!
I had a booking appt last summer at 8 weeks. How strange?
Some trusts do the booking appointment at the same time as scan but you should def have that appointment?? Otherwise when do you fill out all your forms?

I had booking appointment @ 8weeks, 12 week scan, 16w appointent, 20w scan. I'll have my 25w check with GP and the back to hospital for 28w appointment!

Then on I can choose if I want to see MW or GP for further appointments

Some trusts do the booking appointment at the same time as scan but you should def have that appointment?? Otherwise when do you fill out all your forms?

I had booking appointment @ 8weeks, 12 week scan, 16w appointent, 20w scan. I'll have my 25w check with GP and the back to hospital for 28w appointment!

Then on I can choose if I want to see MW or GP for further appointments


Thats what I had with ds: 8 weeks mw, 12 week scan, 16wk mw, 20wk mw, ect

now its going to be 12wk scan + consultant, no 16wk, then 20 wk scan + maybe appt, then referred to community mw.

As a 2nd pg I wouldnt normally be concerned, but I though Id need to be seen more regularly as am hypothyroid, but doc disagreed

ah well, suppose my jaw will return from the floor at some point
That's strange as I bet your not far from me- I'm in East Herts and got 6 week mw appointment (due to pcos and other medical issues)

Booking in appointment 8 weeks - scans and GTT test 12 weeks, MW and GTT at 16 weeks, 20 week scan then lost more MW appointments.

This is my first but if I had no medical issues I would not of got 6 week but would still get the rest.
where in n herts are u scottie? three of ua l uy ve quite close! oh I had booking in appt at hosp (not my community mw) 12 week scan and then first meet my comm mw at 16 weeks x
I had my booking appointment at my 12 week scan - then I saw the community midwife at 16 weeks (the appointment for which I had to make myself).
Oh ladies nearby I love it! I'm in Stevenage so will be going to the lister. Where is everyone else? Maybe doc didn't explain it well enough then, or it's different for a 2nd timer. Have to say you've alleviated some of my fears now. Do you mind me asking when you got your appt letter through?
im hitchin atm but.probably.moving to stevenage soon and at lister too! im a second timer too hun! where in steves are you? x
I'm in Bishops Stortford and going to Harlow :/ Hate that place bleh but they know of my other medical issues.
I can't drive so it was a case of how easy it was to get a lift to the hospital.
I had my booking in appt, we don't have one with our GP, just referred directly to the MW.. we don't have appts with scans x
I had the 8 week booking apt and having the 12 week scan in a couple of weeks I thought that was the norm everywhere...
I'm in Surrey and I had my booking appointment at 10 weeks then my midwife got the ball rolling for my scan which I had at 13 weeks. I assumed the order of appointments was the same everywhere x

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