Putting Feelers out for another Liverpool Meet.....

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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Who would be up for it sometime in the next month or so?

Had a couple of PM's from ladies who live round the Pool who would like the opportunity to meet everyone as they didnt go to the last one so I wanted to see if anyone was up for sommat similar as last time?

If so, does anyone have any objections to where we had it last time (Otterspool Pub) or do we want to try somewhere different? My only thoughts are that it was quite good in terms of us all sitting together and being able to chat without feeling our kids were in the way, and also with it being close to Chrimbo I imagine all shopping centre type places will be chocca and a bit of a pain to navigate. But if anyone has any ideas or wants to try somewhere new then we can have a vote!

Also, if there are any dates you deffo CANT do stick em in your reply too.
Maaaaaybee. I'm really limited on dates, so much so that I wouldn't want to influence the decision. But if the timing's right, I'll be there xxx
I would but I might look a bit of a weirdo cos I dont have a baby yet and I might still be bump free? :lol:
I would be i really enjoyed it last time :D im at col mon tues and weds though :doh:
Me, Me, I enjoyed myself loads last time and Harry is alot more settled now so I may even be able to talk to people :)
I'm right in the middle of moving so very much doubt it for me, next time though!

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