

Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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My mother in law has kindly offered to buy me the push chair but I'm undecided. I went to look at the Luna in M & P the other day but it doesn't seem that sturdy and the harness didn't seem that good although it was very beautiful (especially in the green).

Then I saw the Silver Cross three wheeler which I thought was sturdy and attractive but a bit heavy and bulky to get in and out of the car.

I then had a good look at the Phil & Ted's three wheeler Sport in Mothercare today and I think I may go for that but I'm not all that sure. I want something relatively light and easy to collapse but quite multi terrain too. Oh and I want it to be green!

Has anyone else come across anything to fit the bill? What kind of pushchair have you gone for and are you pleased with it?
I've got the Graco Quattro Tour in Oakwood... lol

I've got it with the carrycot attachment - to make it like a pram. it's also a lay-down pushchair. We have the car seat too - which also fits into the system!

But it's not small at all! It's easy to fold but pretty bulky. I LOVE IT and find it easy to push but if your looking for something vaguely compact it's probably not the one for you!

I love prams though, and I love the look of the phil&teds sport buggy (but it's expensive) lol.

Best thing to do is go and push some more around the shops!
I bought a Maclaren puschair once my baby turned 1 as it's really lightweight and easy to fold. Not a 3 wheeler though :?

The M&P Luna is lovely to look at but even the sales assistant didn't rate it that much. There were a few practical things that we didn't like about it, can't recall now what they were though.

There's not many proper all terrain puschairs about to be honest, the Bugaboo is probably the best for multi terrain but very pricey.
I have a Phil and Teds and I LOVE it!
Although its not exactly the smallest buggy when folded, it does fold very flat and fits well in out small car boot. I've had 12 pushchairs in 4 years, and its the only one I am more than happy to use again for another baby :D

I have also just splashed out on a Bugaboo Chameleon. I really wanted a pushchair with a carrycot, and have wanted a Bugaboo since DS1 4 years ago. I love it, although I havnt used it yet. :lol:
I havent had the silver cross three wheeler so cant comment...

Luna.. LOVELY.. .although the "floating harness" takes a while to get used to...

Ive got the phil and teds and LOVE it... its lush...
lozzi said:
I havent had the silver cross three wheeler so cant comment...

Luna.. LOVELY.. .although the "floating harness" takes a while to get used to...

Ive got the phil and teds and LOVE it... its lush...

i saw someone with the phil&teds one and i actually think i may have drooled. I AM SO getting it. Well, at some point when i've got money. Lol.
BabyBee said:
i saw someone with the phil&teds one and i actually think i may have drooled. I AM SO getting it. Well, at some point when i've got money. Lol.

this is the one i got...


Pink camo its called lush huh :D
lozzi said:
BabyBee said:
i saw someone with the phil&teds one and i actually think i may have drooled. I AM SO getting it. Well, at some point when i've got money. Lol.

this is the one i got...


Pink camo its called lush huh :D

I WANT IT! Lol. I LOVE the pink, i also liked the apple colour

Did you pay full whack for it? I could only see it for about £355... my OH would need one hell of a lot of convincing to pay that. Lol. Though i could go with the idea that it works as a double buggy for when we have the 'next' one. lol
BabyBee said:
lozzi said:
BabyBee said:
i saw someone with the phil&teds one and i actually think i may have drooled. I AM SO getting it. Well, at some point when i've got money. Lol.

this is the one i got...


Pink camo its called lush huh :D

I WANT IT! Lol. I LOVE the pink, i also liked the apple colour

Did you pay full whack for it? I could only see it for about £355... my OH would need one hell of a lot of convincing to pay that. Lol. Though i could go with the idea that it works as a double buggy for when we have the 'next' one. lol

Well when i was buying mine, for the pink, as i wouldnt consider any other colour ;) lol the cheapest i could get it single is 299 and wtih doubles kit 305 hence i got doubles kit but ive since found a company who do the single for £269.99 in pink camo delivered :roll:

BUT the only think with p&t, everything is an extra...

The raincover cost me £20 lol

and ive ended up buying alsorts for it.. blazing saddles, pack sack, hang bag... :roll:

they are lush tho
All have won numerous awards for ease of use health and safety accessories style ect so im was going to get one of these three till i relised that my sister waqs giving me her]s

Silver cross 3D Jet Sport (this was the one i chose )
http://www.mothercare.com/gp/product/B0 ... 8&mcb=core

Maclaren Techno xlr
http://www.mothercare.com/gp/product/B0 ... 8&mcb=core

Maclaren Techno xt
http://www.mothercare.com/gp/product/B0 ... 1&mcb=core

Aslo i love this one as ive seen resent reviews on it being the best that out there and i love the funky colour (Shame it costs the earth though :( )
Bugaboo Bee
http://www.mothercare.com/gp/product/B0 ... 8&mcb=core
I got he Bugaboo Cameleon but I can't fold it yet :? It is lovely though an I'm sure I'll learn eventually. Like Geordie Lass said the Bee is lovey and really lightwiegh and folds small.

I too am a a fan of the Luna, I drool over that advert with the ady in the matching outfit :lol:

Alex xxx
ive had the 3d and have got the xlr.. i love xlr but my personal preference is i like the option of parent facing when there lil...

3d is great till baby gets a bit older and u cnat see them, and then as they gain weight the pram gets quite heavy to push.. and you cant push it one handed....
lozzi said:
ive had the 3d and have got the xlr.. i love xlr but my personal preference is i like the option of parent facing when there lil...

3d is great till baby gets a bit older and u cnat see them, and then as they gain weight the pram gets quite heavy to push.. and you cant push it one handed....

Yeah i do want a more light weight pushchair for when Colier gets bigger as i do not drive and will need to use public transport :(
The pushchair i got of my sister is fantastic for newborn :D but she told me its not easy to use on public trasport as its heavy and some buses only had those high compartments that you lift the pushchair into cant do that holding a baby
you have to rely on a kind person to helping you out.

So i need to invest in a lightweight pushchair i also like the thought of the child facing the Mother any suggestions on a good (resonable prices) pushchair that baby faces in ??? :think:
this is the one i have I love it cant wait to push bubs in it x

have the puschair bit to add to it when I need it x




my pic taking skills arnt very good lol
I've just got back from John Lewis having ordered the Bugaboo Cameleon.


It's a bit pricey but I was hooked from the moment I saw it. The wife loves it too although we did fight about the colour combinations, obviously she got her way :)

It really is a cracking little pushchair, the two year guarantee is nice too but again, it's not the cheapest around especially once you've added the extras like fabrics. On the road price is actually closer to £650.
OH MY GOD :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

That price i need a lay down after seeing that price :shock:
well i hope its as very very very good pushchair :pray: :pray:

Enjoy!! it dose look like a lovely pushchair 8)


This is the one I have. It is not all terrain...But is very easy to push. The carseat is quite heavy. But when in pushchair mode, it is very light and easy to fold.

It is the Jane Carrera Pro and the covers are reversible. The yellow on it is like an acid yellow though :rotfl: But suits me :) it comes in a few colours. Including green :)
Thanks for all your comments which I've found helpful.

Still undecided :think: but may go for the Phil & Ted's Sport in apple. I'm grateful that my mother in law is paying so I don't have to worry about the cost. Last time everything was either given to me or from the boot sale, so I'm a bit overwhelmed that someone is happy to foot the bill this time :D
Best to go with your heart where pushchairs are concerned...and if the Phil & Teds one is what you love, go for it. Especially if it is a pressie :)

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