double buggy


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2007
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I have finally come to terms with the fact that i need a double buggy for my 2 year old and newborn. :(

After purchasing my bugaboo that i love i now need a double. So, need some advice. We have looked at the mamas & papas pulse, maclaren double, phil & teds sport and have also been researching the new icandy pear.

I like them all but have concerns about them all. Does anyone have any recommendations on either of these or another one? Does the side by side pushchairs fit on a bus? The icandy is very much like the style of the bugaboo and I really like the look of it as it doesn't look too big and I am not keen on the 3 wheeler pushchair (phil & teds), but its not available until the end of the year and I really need one now (and the icandy is expensive!).

I would also need to sell my bugaboo to purchase the phil and ted or the icandy and not sure if I should incase I need it later.. what to do?????

Please help!
Dont get rid of the bugaboo. Get a buggy board for that.
At 2 years old, your toddler might not be in the double for long so i wouldnt go down the road of spending too much money. My two tend to niggle each other when they are in the double.

I got a cheapish double off ebay(new) which im now selling.
I also had a sling.

Hope this helps
I second that. My little girls are just twelve months apart in age and when my little one went into the buggy (at one) the older one went on the buggy board (at two) she absolutely loved it!
It might be an idea to get a buggy board instead which I know has already been mentioned. If not though I have got a Maclaren double buggy which I like the because it isn't too wide and the handles are a good height. The one in the link is nice as it comes with head supports and footmuffs and is suitable from birth. If you look around on the internet you will probably beable to find it a bit cheaper or look in the local paper as that's where I bought my Maclaren buggy in perfect condition.

They have it in other colours too. ... 1&mcb=core
I have a XTS twin twister which is side by side and apprantly the narrowest on the market. I really like it, its easy to manouver and to collapse - have nothing bad to say about it.
thanks everyone... I have got a buggy board which set us back £50! Abigail is very capable walking, but when she is tired she just wants to be carried. I also have her on her rains but it can be difficult when trying to get her and the pushchair off the bus.

I will think about this more because I realise now that this all might get easier and I could be wasting alot of money. I plan on having another baby in 2 years so this might be an issue again so perhaps I should invest in a double buggy and keep the bugaboo.
I just ordered a phil and ted sport in red i love it..... :D
i have just got the maclaren twin techno in sky blue but it wont be here untill the start of next week!
we have a 24 month old and im 20 weeks pregnant, we did buy a double, but they scare me so am selling it now

weve opted for sling for baby and bugaboo for alana, hoping she will start using the bugaboo buggy board and let new baby have pram

theres just no way im suited to double buggies, there just wrong lol far too big, heavy and scary

i also figure, alana likes her buggy now, but its still a good few months before baby arrives so alot can change

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