pulling them selves up & speech question

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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help !

lelands now decided he can pull himself up he did it on his got 2 days ago from sitting and now he decided his walker is also very handy for this ! (again from sitting) , so how do i make this safe for him ? cos his obviously not steady at all and when he falls back down its with a thump (thank god for helmet lol ) . do you just leave them to it ?

only saving grace ive got is he cant go from laying down to sitting yet ! think i better lower is cot tho ( there goes my storage !)

so proud tho !!

he also had his 8 month check yesterday , and yes strength wise is is great , sitting / walking etc but it seems his speech is slow ( how can they say that about a 8 month old !) he isnt double cyball babbling yet like dadadadad maamamama ? just mmmmmmmmm etc he also will only transfer left to right and not right to left ??? im not worried at all tho yet but she said to keep and eye and if his not doing it soon to go back , they also wont do anything about the tongue tie , she promised that it wont effect him
:wave: Hi,
Well done Leland. Strong little thing :)

Mine used the walker to pull herself up on too and then use it as a walker from the outside. I don't know how you can make it safer though... she was quite steady with it and learned to balance when it started moving BUT she did shoot across the floor a lot!
I got a little walker thing instead, you know the stand and push ones and that was helpful. I wouldn't get a new one though because I don't think they use it for long at all! We got this one for 50p on ebay and she used it for a few weeks until she was more stable then wasn't interested.


I'd wait and see with the 'speaking' thing. They change things so fast and often suddenly start doing something they hadn't done the week before. I think you are right not to worry.
Well done to your little man!!

It took DD ages to start moving like that, she was too busy talking!! I def wouldn't worry about the things he isn't doing as I found with DD she concentrated on talking and left the physical stuff to later. It sounds like he is just doing the opposite! :clap:
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I agree with Becky, when James is doing lots of physical development, the talking seems to get left behind for a while then catches up again. He's also pulling himself up on everything, including the fireguard (luckily the fire's never on) and I'm kind of just leaving him to it, but keeping an eye on him. A friend of mine told me that it's important they do fall over a bit so they get to understand that it happens iykwim. i think the stand and push walker might be a good bet - off I go to ebay!
sorry it is a stand and push one , ot a brand new vtech one from carboot for £6 lol his kinda climbing up it , ill try and get it on video!

what u say makes sense , i mean his really only 6.5 months corrected so i think she was being a bit harsh about speech anyway ! its just cos he doesnt look preemie and isnt preemie when it comes to phyiscal stuff just mental

we also done our first commando crawl and proper crawl ( all be it 1 move lol ) so its no wonder his mr whinge bag this week his learning !
:think: sounds like he's a walker not a talker to me :D He's only 8 months, start worrying in about a years time about his speech if its still the same. :)
:hug: Ive been wondering about madame speak too. Like Leland she seems more interested in movement than talking :lol: Shes been crawling now for 3weeks and is like lightening and has just started pulling herself up on everything, but still hasnt said anything just squeeks lol.
OMG his speech is slow. Sorry, but that is laughable. He is 8 months old. 6 1/2 corrected. Tell them to shut up Gem. They have no idea what they're on about! HE IS FINE xxxxxx
i know its his fine lmao i hadnt even thought about it ! hv strikes again huh !
Gem & Leland said:
hv strikes again huh !

honestly, why do they say things like that :roll: :roll: :roll: leland's absolutely fine honey; babies don't read the red books and realise they should be doing these things when HVs say they should. not to mention the fact that he's only 6.5 corrected anyway! :hug:

re the pulling up, connor's started doing that now too - well, he's pulling to kneeling up and has gone to standing once. he can't keep still enough to hold the pose though, so falls almost straight away. i've just had to let him get on with it. i don't want him to hurt himself, but i kinda feel like its part of the learning process iykwim? i've just put corner protectors on all the shelves etc, and try and keep him playing away from solid furniture.

:hug: :hug:
I agree that there is nothing wrong with him and them saying his speech is slow is silly but just something to think about...I find that sometimes babies that are very quick to stand/crawl/walk and are good with hand to eye co-ordination etc are a bit slower with speech but theres nothing wrong with them its like..learn one skillset at a time kind of thing. Hayden was the other way round..his speech is fantastic and he can speak a lot more than most kids i know of his age but he didnt walk till he was 13/14 months old..he was always a little bit slower than kids his age with mobility!
completly agree with debbie..

infact.. he isnt slow for his age at all.. i would say he is more than advanced. if you put a poll up whos 7,8,9 month is doing these things probably 5 out of 50 would say yes they are doing some of them.

Ed almsot 9months will only pass from left to right to. he has JUST started to try crawling. he also is strong legged. and can pull himself up by using my top/legs as leverage, monday he said mamma for the 1st time last night he clapped properly when i said clap hands for the 1st time.. then last night he did 3 crawl steps by moving his knees and hands 3 steps. it all seems to be happening at once.

dont worry.. as debbie said.. hes fine :D all babies do things at different rates.. if we compared our kids to one specific child we would think our own baby was abnormal. its like early walkers.. some babies have walked before eds even sat unaided lol. xx

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