Public Transport poll!


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2006
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I thought it might be interesting to some sort of poll on public transport, that is to see who (male or female) decide to offer up their seat to us moms to be - as we know this is not always the case, especially if you're commuting on the ever friendly London underground!
Over the past week I've had 3 occassions where there have been no seats available on the underground, now trust me it hasn't always been immiediate but eventually on all 3 occasions MEN have got up and offered me their seats! In away that does surprise me as I know some women have looked at me and then buried their head back into their books :shock: !! So 3 cheers for the men, and I hope anyone that did look and decided to ignore me I hope y'all suffer from a sever case of diahorrea :twisted:
have to agree....

I'm on the train/bus in England's fair second city every day, and blokes are usually pretty good at offering up their seats.

Women are more reluctant, particularly smart city types in their 20's/30's, pretending they can't see my enormous bump in their face!

I just smile to myself knwing they've probably got it all to come...... :)
arrrrggghhh I hate people that dont stand up for pregnant women!!!!! xx
i get the bus everyday and through my pregnancy i've been offered a seat 3 times..always by men.
Also i had to give my seat up last week for an elderly lady as no one else on the bus would and she was getting thrown around the bus with her stick..bless her! it comes to something when the only person willing to give an 80+ yr old woman a seat is 8 months pregnant!
i only hope the young ladies that firmly hold onto their seats dont face the same treatment when they are heavily pregnant on a hot crowded bus!

actually sod it..i hope no one gives them a seat!
Fran that is appauling!!! So far I've never felt desperate for a seat put should the day come that I'm not feeling well and no one will get up I will open my mouth. But that's really bad that no one offered either you or the elder lady a seat, what is society coming to!!! Again I hope they all suffer from sever diahorrea (sp) :twisted:
when im on the bus i usually have chloe in her buggy with me, which obv makes it even more akward 2 stand cos i take up the whole of the aisle!! and people still insist on not giving up their seat 4 me arrogant ********!!!!!!!
wen i was pregnant i never got offered a seat always had to stand if there was no seats :twisted:
I've not had anyone give their seat up to me on the full up train :eek:( i usually put it down to them not realising i'm pregnant and just thinking i'm a bit chubby round the waist :eek:(

you know what i put it down to that at first aswell..but i'm about to drop now and its more than obvious that i'm heavily pregnant and it doesnt make a blind bit of sad is that!

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