Pubic bone aches!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2011
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i have a little ache when i walk near my pubic bone, im sure its coz ligaments muscles etc are relaxing due to baby but isnt it a bit early for that??

its not too bad that i cant do everyday things but am worried it will get really bad as baby gets bigger.

Any ideas ladies?
Yes I have it!! Its called SPD and unfortunately there is not much that can be done about it. With me it really hurts when I walk (I got it at 14 weeks) and feels like someone has kicked me hard right between the legs. Refer yourself to physio or get doctor to refer you. I was given a huge tubi-grip to wear to keep the pelvis firm, later on in pregnancy I was given a proper maternity belt as tubi grip stopped working. I was given exercises from pysio and she also had to do a little manipulation to get it back into alignment. I have good days and bad days... The most important thing is to not put any weight on just the one leg at any time. Dont open your legs as this will aggrivate the problem. When standing, dont relax hips (like we all do) to one side. Watch getting in and out of car, always keep knees together, swing them around, feet together on floor. Breastroke can make it worse when swimming so change legs to little kicks rather than the usual breast stroke legs. hmmmm what else? watch even going up and down stairs cos this puts weight onto one leg at a time. Supposed to do it slowly and 2 steps to each stair (like a toddler does). Give me a shout if you have any more questions, its certainly not too early for you to get it but has to be watched cos if it keeps up and gets worse throughout your pregnancy it may change your birthing plan for positions etc as mw will need to take your SPD into consideration. The good news is that after baby comes out the pain stops - I know cos I had same last pregnancy too! Good luck x
I had this very bad with my first and have been getting it for a couple of weeks with this baby, have days when I get it and days when I dont.

I agree with everything Tracey said above (some good tips there, alot I had forgotton about)
i had this last week as if someone kicked me between legs but on good side its actually went away a little a foned midwife she booked me in for pysio next day but cancelled cos wasnt that bad thought give space to someone that needed it more me she just said that if got bit more sore a could go phsio anytime x
I seem to have developed this over the weekend, thought it might have just been all the walking we've done but looks like I might have a trip to the doctors tomorrow as I'm not seeing my midwife for another month yet!
When I have bad days I literally cannot walk at all. I find it gets worse the next day if i've done more walking or exercise than normal.
thanks for the replies, im feeling ok today even though i went to london yesterday and walked miles so im hoping it will only be a little and not develop, but will mention to my midwife when i see her next week x x all good advice thank you lots x x x
I'm suffering really bad with it today. Its actually getting really uncomfortable getting up and down, might just have an early night.


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