Psychic knew about my MMC...?!?!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2013
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I wasn't sure where to post this....

So I went to see a psychic medium yesterday, I am very much a sceptical person so really didn't know what to expect.... First thing she did was take my hands and tell me that there was a lot of emotion surrounding me and grief, she went on to say about a baby and a loss and then asked if i had had a miscarriage recently (i did in early Sept)
Well i was shocked to say the least, i mean no way she could have known that. She also said that the baby was with me and was being looked after by a lady whom i think was my gran which was a nice thought. (was so trying to hold it together here)

When she read my cards, one of the cards came was the 'fertility' card lol, she said if im not looking to get pregnant then be careful, hmmmm. Also another card that came uo was showing i would have 2 children very close together....well I'm not exactly a spring chicken so not sure how true this is.

Overall it was a pretty good experience, whether i chose to beleive it is up to me I guess. I do feel like I am coming to the end of a dark road...without being too dramatic! Hopefully there are some good things in store for me now :)
Ooh interesting! Lets hope she's right about future children hun, good luck :)
I was always very scared of going to a phsycic but after 3 years trying and one mc I wanted to go as I needed simething to hope for. My sisters and my dad have been to lots and recommended this one lady. I was basically only going for one reason. I was close to IUI as well. When I walked into theroom this lady looked back at me I didnt utter a stutter to her (for the sceptics like my husband) She spoke adnd said there is an ederly lady here (my nana) who doesnt want to upset you but I have to tell you that your lost little one is with her and she knows how it feels (she had a mc) I was emotional and she said she doesnt want you to be upset because shes going to tell you what you want to hear 'It will happen!! It is all I wanted to hear. The followigng 40 mins were accurate and nice things to hear that nobody else could ever know. My husband doesnt believe it and thinks I spoke or the person raids your bins, checks facebook etc.

About 2 months later I had my first round of IUI and it was successful. I was worried about another mc but had that feeling of hope from those words it will happen. In June I had my son and only then did my dad tell me the same lady had told him he would have his first grandson born in June!

Some people dont believe or are sceptic and I believe each to their own but to me it was a comfort. I dont know what I would have done if I didnt get my answer though which is another kettle of fish!
What a lovely story laurat, I'm so happy it all worked out for you. At the end of the day you can either choose to beleive it or not, I was wandering before I went if she would pick up on my m/c and she did!! I do think I will get pregnant again, and this time I will get my rainbow baby, I still get negative thoughts float in from time to time but just try to banish them!

I would be interested in seeing another one sometime and see if they say the same thing!
I very much believe in the spirit world and a good medium will be able to put your mind at ease.

I'm going to see one that told me so much 27 years ago that has come true!! The one thing that hasn't is that I would have 5 children and then 2 would be separate from that, she's kind of right I've had 5 losses but have 1 child, hopefully that 2nd one might be coming along soon!
I went to a medium 2 years ago and she told me what was going to happen/was happening in my life including the loss of my child and it all came true, there are a lot of fakers around but you can find the odd genuine from time to time :) xx
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