Proud of myself !


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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Im feeling quite proud of myself!

Last night I was cooking tea when my Ohs younger sister called (shes 21 and has a 10mth old girl and lives with my OHs parents), she was crying her mum and dad went on holiday yesterday. Mia had been throwing up all day and they were both crying when we got there.

My maternal instincts must have kicked in (I didnt think I knew that much about babies) but I stripped Mia down cause she was very hot, asked when she last had anything to drink etc... called NHS direct and got his sister to talk to them. Got my OH to go and get the baby thermometer from our house as she couldnt find hers (we only live a few houses away), Mias temperature was 39.5 calmed her down got her to have some calpol and some water (which she didnt throw up) and got her to sleep. By the time we left her temp had come right down (37) and she had woken back up and was sat playing with her toys!

I left his sister the telephone numbers for the emergency doc and NHS direct and said that if her temp goes up high again to call them.

She normally just releys on his mum to do everything and I think she panicked when she was on her own. I think it made Mia worse when she saw her mum crying.

Im sure I wont be so calm when its my own baby either! but I was shocked at just how much I knew, and how I handled things! I probably shouldnt have been near a sickly baby but I couldnt leave her on her own. I have never even changed a nappy before so this is all very new to me!!
Well done.
Shows that you can be calm in a baby emergency eh :)

Well done, it's a good job you were around to help her.
Well done, it is very scary when a little one isn't well but you dealt with it very well :hug:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Well done you! :D
I'm glad she's OK now :hug:

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