Pros and Cons of finding out babys sex

I found out with both my girls and we have been told at 16 weeks this one is a girl aswell and we are very happy we found out so I can get everything ready and give her a name. I wouldnt be able to wait im too impatient and its never taken anything away from the birth its an amazing experience weather you know the sex or not but its a very personal choice if you imagine the whole 'its a....' straight after the birth then I wouldnt find out. xx
Ooh it's really interesting reading people's views on this! I was desperate to find out, I always knew I'd want to find out even well before I was actually pregnant - I can't imagine why anyone would not want to find out as soon as possible, so in total contrast to the ladies who wanted the surprise at the end! I can't see any real advantages to getting the surprise at 20 weeks or 40 weeks - either way it's a surprise so as far as I can see you're not missing out, and the advantages are not having to chew on other sex names, being able to call bump something nicer than 'it' and buying stuff. The way I see it, I'll be overwhelmed massively and surprised enough having an actual baby that I won't feel I've missed out on that extra surprise. But of course, each to their own, for those who really look forward to the surprise at the end then good on you for lasting!
Liek a few others on here I have always known I would want to find out what 'it' is, and hubby is the same.

The way I see it when I give birth I will finially have my baby in my arms and thats a big enough surprise for me, to finally hold it and have my first cuddle :)

I like the idea of having a nice surprise at 20 weeks when they tell us what it is (hopefully lol) it gives us a nice half way point surprise rather than waiting till the end for everything lol

Plus I am quite an organised person and I want to be able to get everything organised for when he/she arrives and Id be happy being able to do that with things for either a girl or a boy
I absolutely couldnt wait to find out what i was having. I think if i could have waited it might have been a nice suprise but i wouldnt have bonded as much as i already feel like i have with my little boy :) Its like hes got a little personality and it wouldnt feel as real if i didnt know anything about him! x
i never found out on my first i just got all white and cream clothes and did their bedroom with winnie pooh style so would suited girl or boy x
i never found out on my first i just got all white and cream clothes and did their bedroom with winnie pooh style so would suited girl or boy x

Yeah even though I now know I'm having a boy, I'm still buying mostly neutrals - am not keen on the everything pink or blue thing anyway and know he'll get given loads of blue as gifts! xx
Thanks for all the great replies ladies :) Ahhhh it's so hard, but I think we will wait until baby is here; I love the idea of hubby saying, "It's a boy or it's a girl" so I think that's decided it for me! So exciting!

And after shopping today, I have seen some beautiful neutral bits in Mothercare & Baby Gap! x
Thanks for all the great replies ladies :) Ahhhh it's so hard, but I think we will wait until baby is here; I love the idea of hubby saying, "It's a boy or it's a girl" so I think that's decided it for me! So exciting!

And after shopping today, I have seen some beautiful neutral bits in Mothercare & Baby Gap! x

Yeah I have some lovely bright stripy sleepsuits, they are soo cute! And ones with jungle animals on :) Neutral doesn't mean you just have to stick to white!! xx
i decided to find out with both as to me it was best as i dont like rushin round afterwards buy clothes lol so i like to be prepared that way. and i then know what im gettin and also be able to buy an out fit to go home in. i think 4d scans are more acurrate at telling sex than a 2d so with me having just the 2d scan the gender could be wrong and ill still be rushing around lol if it was wrong

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