Prolonged 1st Period, following a MC...


New Member
Dec 4, 2015
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I'm new to all of this, so please, please bear with me.

I'm wondering if anyone has any advice or has experienced the same issues I'm having?

Cut a very long and painful story short, I miscarried back in October after 11 months of trying, I had a prolonged ?period of 14 or so days bleeding, during this time I had a ultrasound scan to follow up on a ovarian cyst, this is when the sonographer said she could see an early gestation. The bleeding more or less stopped the next day.
At the end of that week I miscarried.

At the time I had ?miscalculated my dates thinking I was only 3 weeks so A&E couldn't send me to EPU as their guidelines are 6+ weeks. My GP followed me up 1 week later, when the bleeding/pains had stopped, he said it sounded like my body had dealt with it naturally so didn't feel I needed any further scans.
He agreed I had miscalculated my dates as if I was only 3 weeks my scan wouldn't of picked up a gestation in my uterus at that early stage. So I think I was probably 7 nearly 8 weeks pregnant.

My period returned on 26/11/15, I am still bleeding now with no signs of it slowing down either!
I took a test yesterday which was negative but I'm worried the same is happening all over again.

Has anyone had a prolonged period following a miscarriage, is this to be expected?
In the past my periods have always been regular, lasting no more than 7 days. So this is very abnormal for me.

Sorry for the essay, thank you in advance.
Hey hunni

Welcome and sorry for your loss.

I MC in September but my bleeding lasted a week then a few weeks later my period came which was thinner, lighter and I dunno just different. My ones since have been fine though.

If tests are showing neg its good in a way your body has completed the miscarriage and your cycles should start to regulate. They can be a bit wonky for a wee while after for some.

Hang tight in there.

Hey...Thanks for your reply, I'm sorry for your loss also.

Do you think its normal that my first returned period, is prolonged?
I suppose I'm just worried as it echoes what happened in October, as I'm not used to prolonged bleeding.

thanks again... Xxx
My following periods were the same length but much much heavier I needed to change towels every hour at least drove me mad that was the past 2 mcs not had my first ad this time round but I'm expecting it to be similar. Though I can see that it may be the same heaviness only longer that would make sense in my head too. Afs are very often messed up after mc mine messed up for 6 months after being much heavier before returning to normal. But I've heard of much longer or much shorter to get back to normal.

I am sorry for your loss as well x x hope it's not too long before you get your take home baby
Are you still bleeding? It could well just be your body getting back to normal so I'd give it a chance to get back to normal by itself but if you keep having problems it might be good to push for a scan just incase of 'retained products' that could be causing it.
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First let me say that I'm terribly sorry for your loss. *Virtual hug*

As I was searching the web for answers to my own miscarriage questions, I came across your comment. I just wanted to let you know that your story and the story of others has really helped me through my own experience.

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