Prolaps and pregnant


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2010
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Hi i thought I'll just ask if anyone else has this, I'm about 9 week pregnant and have a prolapsed uterus, i went to my docs not long after having my 3rd child (logan who's 9 mth) she sent me away to do pelvic floors alot of them, then go back, well i didnt cos i was to scared knowing its got no better and some women need hysterectomy, i know I've got 3 wonderful kids (morgan 4, meghan 2 and logan 9 mth) but I'm only 25 this shouldn't happen to me at 25!! i was told it was the strain of childbirth that coursed this. i had to go back the docs when i found out i was pregnant i was told that this will get worse cos of the pregnancy and not nothing they can do while im pregnant, i'll be closely monitored by midwife(not yet seen) and hospital docs. I am really scared, i don't know whether this baby will OK and what will happen when i have surgery to repair this:shock:
you can still do loads of pelvic floor exersices wharle your preg specially in the early stages it might do a little good i do lie 50 a day just to be sure lol
That sounds awful :( Are you having symptoms?

I hope you get it sorted after your pregnancy xx
Hey this happened to my mum. Not at 25, but still, she had the surgery to get it sorted. So did my nan, and two of my aunts - doesn't bode well for me does it???? Anyhoo it's more common then you think. When the NHS was first set up the biggest waiting list was for femal prolapse. Soooo, you aren't alone and docs see this sort of thing all the time. xx
I hope everything goes along ok for you and you have a healthy pregnancy plus get everything sorted out afterwards, best of luck,let us know how it all goes :hug:
I've been doing loads of pfes but its past that stage now as i've got this bulge in my vagina, I've just got to wait to see my midwife and see what she says, my lower back is in pain a lot due to this, Princess you say your family have had this but after kids i guess? it wouldn't be so bad if i was 15 years older and knew i was not gonna have anymore kids, thanks all anyway i'll let you know how it go's. x
Hey yes all of them were after children (6 in my nanna's case eek) but the others have only had two. My aunt got it in her thirties I think. The docs know what they are talking about with it though and there are some great specialists. I'm sure you'll be well looked after xx
Hi not long talked on the phone to my midwife, she says as long as my uterus is ok then the pregnancy should been fine, I'm seeing her soon then I'll be seeing an obstetrician. fingers crossed x
I had this happen to me during my third pregnancy. The pain you have in your back will be due to your Prolapse and it is incredibly painful, you will be very closely monitored by your Midwife and possibly a Physiotherapist. Several weeks after I gave birth to my 3rd daughter I chose to have a hysterectomy because I had completed my family and also because I was 36yrs old so obviously quite a lot older than you. Please don't panic because this does not mean that you will also have to have the surgery that i had, you are very young and the options open to you are very favourable IE a repair, ring pessary, and several more options. I wish you a very happy and well 9months
thanks for your reply amber, did you have a c section or did you make up your mind before the birth that it was the last baby and have a v delivery?
Hi mopmum I made my mind up during the pregnancy that it was going to be my last, one of the reasons being my age as I said before I was 36 so I didn't want anymore children. I had a normal delivery with no problems at all. I was offered a repair, but decided to have hysterectomy. I very much doubt they would offer you a hysterectomy at such a young age. I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy.
Thanks very much amber, i feel very reassured now. Glad to hear of someone thats been though it take care.

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