Progress at last!

Nurse 26

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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Finally got my midwife appoitment sorted, got letter today, so i go next tuesday 18th and it says in letter i get a scan too :) bonus, will be nice as hubby missed 12 week scan so hes going to see baby for first time since 9 weeks :lol:

Went to GP this morning and told her how i was feeling too, she was lovely, so feel a bit better about things today, still worrying but decided i need to stop being so miserable. She gave me my flu jab too so thats one less things to worry about.

Also have felt baby move a couple of times today which is just lovely :dance:

Thanks for all the nice messages yesterday ladies :hugs:

Thats great news! Will you find out the sex of your baby when you get the chance? We didnt with our first 2 (girl and boy) but have decided to find out this time. Roll on 4 weeks x
Ah hun that's a relief. Have been thinking of you today and how you got on. The scan is a bonus for you both and we accept scan pics as payment for being so supportive :) xxxxxxxxx
nikki - we are not going to find out, want to keep it as a surprise :)

BabyBrain - will def get some pics up :)
Aw suprises are great. You will love it on the day. Cant wait to see some pics! :)
Brilliant news nurse!
I'm really pleased you're back to smiling nurse!
Loads of hugs xxx
Ohhh Nurse another team yellow to the list! There is plenty of team yellows now isn't there xx
Yeay! Exciting stuff about the scan, glad they are sorting things for you xx
Aww thats brilliant news, Delighted they finaly sorted it all out xxx
Yay! Is that an extra scan and another at 20 weeks? Xx
That is great news! So glad things are better for you today :)

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